Tennis Officials Call Serena Williams Ugly, Send Her to Back Courts

Quick, name this profession: long, slim, toned bodies poured into tight fitting – but adorable! – clothing and jumping around in front of a bevy of overeager photographers, magazine editors, and camera crews. Oh yeah, and there’s a lot of “grunting” involved (oh, the scandal!). Did you say modeling? Actually, it’s tennis. With East European …

The Glamorous Rape

Rope burns circled her wrists, her fingernails were bloody and torn and she had a deep purple bruise on one forearm that inappropriately made me think of hoagie sandwiches, such was its size and shape. But what was most haunting were her eyes. They were not bright with tears, nor flashing with anger, nor did …

5 Health & Fitness Trends I Wish Would Die Already

I’m kinda thinking he likes it… I’m going to be straight with you: I’ve been grading SAT essays until midnight every night for the past week. Spending that much time with the profundities of high schoolers has made me crabby and bitter. I’m thisclose to grabbing the next teenager I see and screaming, “SURELY YOU …

Shaming People Does Not Lead To Long-Term Weight Loss

Despite what shows like The Biggest Loser and shrieking harpies like Meme Roth contend, shaming people is not an effective weight loss tool. And yet books, talk shows, diet gurus and more magazine articles than I care to count advocate shaming your loved ones, friends, casual acquaintances and even perfect strangers into losing the extra …

Making Fun of Fat Chicks – The New Racism?

Back in my playground days, there was a lot of offensive humor going around. Garbage Pail Kids, anyone? (Although mine was kind of awesome. Seriously.) But one brand I remember in particular was the “Yo Mama” jokes. They all start with the phrase “yo mama” and then finish with something highly derogatory about the sacrificing …

A Feminist Essay: Birthday Bikinis, Nude Supermodels and Me

Cindy Crawford: A modern Dorian Gray? Photo Credit. The closest I’ve ever come to a celebrity is sitting about 20 rows behind Billy Corgan at a Jazz vs. Bulls playoffs game, unless you count the time I swore I saw Pamela Anderson waiting for a shuttle at the Southwest terminal out of LAX. (My brother …

Old Navy Special of the Week: Rib Removal, Only $10 !

9 am on a Random Monday Morning. Gym Buddy Allison Calls. A: I have an idea. Let’s skip class today and go to the mall! me: Oooh, will you make me a mix tape too? And then maybe we can hold hands? A: Funny. I’m serious. Let’s play hooky from the gym. me: Um, mall …