Back to the Arms That Held Me [The Power of Keeping a Journal]

This is my Grandpa. He died when I was 8 after a protracted battle with multiple myeloma. He used to give us horsey rides, even when the cancer had eroded all the padding between his vertebrae. I don’t think even now I can fully comprehend the magnitude of his sacrifice. And he never stopped smiling. …

The Great Drug Dilemma: Is it time to stop taking my anti-depressant meds? [FDA recalls fake meds after telling depressed patients it is all in our heads for five years]

This weekend was surprisingly calm considering it’s my annual ride on the Cray-Cray Carousel, i.e. the time of year when all my prescription medications need renewal and so I go round and round with the powers that be who like to make this process as painful, expensive and drawn out as possible in order to …

The Year of Fake Charlotte [What I learned from hair extensions, colored contacts and other artifice]

Strangely I never thought of using my hair extensions like this… Long before catfish got verb’ed, I discovered the power of lying on the Internet. Of course, being 15 with a sketchy (and screechy) dial-up modem meant I wasn’t very good at it but seeing as that’s never stopped me from doing anything I forged …

Leaky Gut Syndrome: Legit Problem or Imaginary Illness? [Either way it wins the Oscar for best disease name ever]

See, your gut may betray you but at least it’s not a KILLER CROTCH. Dun, dun, dun!! (Seriously though is this not the best anti texting while driving advert you have ever seen?! Canada, you win again!) For as long as there has been cheese and chocolate, a certain group of people has skulked around …

We Are Not Monsters: Dealing with people who let you suffer [Curing The Bystander Effect]

Monsters live among us. The only problem is that there aren’t more of them. “You must have misunderstood him.”  The words rattled around my head, unsettling me. How could I have misunderstood him? The evidence – torn clothing, bloodied razor blades, notes in his own handwriting, pictures, death threats – sat before me, piled limply …

How to Deal With Exercise Guilt: Yours, Mine and Ours

Game night at our house always opens up some interesting conversation. (“Mommy? Why is there a candlestick in Clue? How do you kill someone with a candlestick?!) And tonight was no exception. We were playing “Whoonuu?” with some friends and in case you’ve never experienced the tiddlywink awesomeness of it all, the point of the …

Choosing Happiness: 10 Tips for Learning Optimism (From a girl who’d knock the glass over before she’d admit it’s half full)

“You’re insanely cheerful for someone who has been crapped on by life way more than most people.” The other day I got this text from a friend and I have to say it is one of the nicest compliments anyone’s ever given me. First it invokes my insanity, which we all know and love. Second, …

Dun, Dun, Dun: It’s Hyper-Focused Girl! [Is not being able to multi-task a superpower or a super pain?]

See, you just have to be able to focus on the IMPORTANT stuff. Like making that perfect Look-at-me-being-all-cute-but-trying-to-smirk-a-little-so-I-don’t-look-like-a-narcissist face. I used to be proud of my multi-tasking abilities. Juggle two jobs while raising four kids and still plan a date night with my husband? Just hand me my cape and I’ll jump over that (office) building …

The Clothing Carousel: I want off

In case anyone is wondering to get me for Christmas… Nevernude, yeah!! Plastic zippers are an abomination. Metal zippers are one of my favorite things about wearing vintage dresses. I have dresses that are nearly 70 years old (oh yes I do!) that the zipper still works perfectly in whereas the cute vintage-esque dress I bought …

Happiness: You’re Doing It Wrong [The problem with dieting to get skinny, running to win and blogging for money]

“You see my happy shirt?” The little girl’s insistent face pressed nearly up to mine before I noticed her, so enthralled with the book I was reading tonight at the library I was. Truth to be told I didn’t notice her shirt at all, at first, but rather her halo of little cornrow braids with …