The Politics of Eating Healthy [3 rules for avoiding awkward dinner parties]

This is indeed a real cookbook. I hereby invoke awesomesauce. Advice columnists have a sweet gig. Basically they get to tell strangers how to run their lives without ever having to deal with the consequences. And yet, as I discovered during my senior year of my Psych degree, I am really really bad at giving …

Karl Lagerfield Wants to Sell You Ice Cream [And then mock you for getting fat]

Skinny Girl Eating Ice Cream: A study in social morés. Eclipsed only by the Fat Child Eating Ice Cream tableau vivant, nothing brings out more opinions than a thin girl with a cone. Some people are jealous: “Lucky genetic freak gets to eat ice cream and still look like that?!” Others are sad: “I’ll never be … Helpful or Hurtful?

*Trigger warning for discussion of eating disorders* “I am so grateful that I love my body exactly the way it is, today, without wanting to change it in any way.” “My bra always fits fine in the morning, but by the afternoon my boobs are popping out of it. It’s like they swell or something. …

I Had a Bad Day [The Problem With Confessional Blogging]

Now THIS would be a legitimate reason to freak out… (Ad is for Nikon face recognition software – “finds faces you don’t even see” Eeeeek!) There’s the mom who confessed to loving her son more than her daughter, to the point that if her daughter died she’d be okay with it as long she could …

The HCG Diet: Fad or Miracle? [Plus breast milk ice cream!]

In a world where losing weight is an extreme sport and the risks of failing include being socially ostracized or dying, a diet where you give yourself daily injections of a hormone culled from the blood of pregnant women can seem pretty reasonable (ancient altar and stone knife, platinum subscription only). But only if it …

Binge Eating Disorder: What it is, what it isn’t and how to get help

Anyone curious as to what happens to the male anatomy when running in sub-zero temps? Sorry, can’t help you. How about what to do if an adorably squishy-wishy koala bear wanders into your back yard? Again, I have no idea. Even things that you’d think I’d know something about, like CPR – I am actually …

How Blogging Fueled My Exercise Addiction: A Cautionary Tale

image from we heart it Wearing a gold 80’s leotard. Climbing a piece of silk 100 feet in the air. Punching until my knuckles bled. Eating beans that could have killed me. I’ve done a lot of stupid things in the name of health. I got into fitness for the dubious reason of dealing with …

What Finally Made Me Seek Help for My Exercise Addiction [Plus, prayers for Jelly Bean]

I’ll be honest: fashion is what really got me into exercise. I can’t wait for unitards to make a comeback! It wasn’t the runs in the dark in the middle of winter at 4 a.m and again at 10 p.m. It wasn’t leaving my son’s hospital bed to go do a high-intensity interval class instead …