10 Lessons I Learned From MMA [And none of them have to do with fighting!]

The MMA Video Shoot: Kicking Butt. Taking Names. Laughing Until I Pee. Just a Little. (HUGE thanks to Darren Batchelor and Kendra Ruff for sharing their expertise with us!) Tonight found me with the inimitable Jen Sinkler – fitness editor of Experience Life mag, former national team rugby player and all-around hottie – filming a video about …

The 3 Things I Wanted To Change About Myself As a Child [Fun & Fit radio interview]

  As a child there were 3 things I desperately wanted to change about myself, Anne Shirley-style: I wanted red hair – something I did eventually achieve thanks to every shade of red hair dye in existence until I realized halfway through college that I look really bad as a redhead. My skin has pink …

The “Impossible Push-Up” – A Personal Challenge From Tony Horton [Plus: Lots & lots of gym shenanigans!]

As you may recall, I got to interview Tony Horton, founder of P90X and P90X 2 (due out in December). (How many times can I name-drop this before it just starts looking pathetic? I don’t care. I talked to Tony! And he said I could call him “Tony”! Or “Friend”! Whatever that means! Squeee!) Near the …

"People Don’t Like It When You Puke In the Pool" and other Charlotte-isms [I’m on TV!]

Gym Buddy Megan and I having way too much fun this morning doing our pike push-ups (also known as the stick-your-butt-in-the-air-and-wave-it-like-you-just-don’t-care push-ups). Also, my face? This is what happens when Gym Buddy Krista tells me I can’t stick out my tongue in a pic. Great news! I made the evening news on my local NBC …

Watch Me Be Sweaty and Gross on Fitarella.TV!

Well, at least I didn’t say this. You’d think after my previous experiences with being the Freak Show of the Day on various TV shows that I’d have sworn off doing anything live ever again. I am so awkward, people. And BLURTY. Bad combination. (Gym Buddy Allison likes to explain me thusly: “She’s very book …

How Thin is Too Thin?

Photo Credit Our society is warped. Twisted. A veritable fun-house of fat and thin mirrors when it comes to body image. One on hand we have Kim Kardashian, queen of curves, compelled to exclaim in an interview, “I look a lot bigger on TV. When I meet people, the first thing they say is, ‘Wow, …

Confessions of a Cardioholic [My Life as a Cautionary Tale, Part 625]

This image was titled “What Not to do in an Earthquake.” Good advice. What do I live for if not to be the poster girl for What Not To Do? In March, I was Fitness Magazine’s freakshow of the month in an article by Jessica Girdwain titled “Confessions of a Cardioholic.” You’d think after being …

Classic Eating Disorder "Tips" Make a Comeback – Via The Biggest Loser

Here’s a diet tip for you: Eat with a bear. I bet you eat less. Just try it and see. “She is a great example of fulfilling your destiny. She’ll order dessert and take one bite and then pour the salt shaker over it. She’s about living consciously.” ~ Ali Vincent, first female winner of …

How Skinny Is Too Skinny?

Photo Credit Our society is warped. Twisted. A veritable fun-house of fat and thin mirrors when it comes to body image. We’re all well aware how the media accustoms us to starlets sylphlike on screen and sacks of bones in real life. Because the camera adds 15 pounds these days, you see. Even Kim Kardashian, …