When School Lunch Attacks

“Chips and a rice krispie treat!” My first-grader chirped happily. “That’s what you had for lunch?” I asked incredulously as the preschooler started the tantrum process (everything must be equal in this household) and the baby took up a chorus of “Chip! Chip!!!!” “Oh yeah, and a chocolate milk.” (Note to self: the mystery of …

Curing the Obesity Epidemic One Beatdown at a Time

In a shocking display of honesty or hubris (both?), the immensely likable Robert Verdi recently said, “A lot of women say ‘I should’ve been alive when Ruben was because I’m Rubenesque.’ So times have changed. There are different cultural norms and values and beauty identities, and the fact that thin is in — who cares? …

Parents Told "Your Baby is Too Fat For Health Insurance"

In Colorado, an insurance company recently denied a baby health care coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Setting aside the question of if it is physically possible for an infant to have a pre-existing condition and what implications that holds for uteruses everywhere, you are probably wondering what condition was so horrible that a child …

Badvertising: Mocking "Fat" Celebrities

Warning: to see the following videos, please click through. And if you don’t watch the videos then this post will make zero sense. Consider: Burger King mocking Tony Romo by way of his “blimpy” ex-girlfriend Jessica Simpson. Take home questions:1. Is Burger King, of all companies, allowed to make fun of anyone for being fat …

Halloween Candy: To Give or Not to Give?

I am the official Halloween Grinch. Mostly it stems from a hatred of all things scary and icky. My theory is that between Iran’s second nuclear facility and OJ Simpson still roaming free there is plenty frightening stuff in the real world stuff. Roman Polanski apologists, anyone? (Off topic but you really have to click …

Is This Woman Plus Sized?

Picture from bathing suit spread in Glamour Magazine Crystal Renn, whose story of going from normal teen to anorexic supermodel and then to number one plus-sized model in the world is an inspiration on so many levels. By all accounts (I haven’t read it yet but really want to!), her book Hungry is a well-written …

Want to Lose Weight? Lose the Debt.

Normal weight loss research focuses on small-scale stuff like how taking smaller bites and drinking a glass of water before you eat will help you lose weight. Wusses. German researchers announced today that they found a significant link between people who are heavily in debt and people who are heavily overweight. After conducting the not-terribly-rigorous-but-still-very-interesting …