The Great Dietary Fat Experiment Continues: How Eating Lots of Fat Made Me Lots of Healthy

Betrayed by my body. Well it wouldn’t be the first time, I thought grimly as I sat in my flimsy paper gown listening to the doctor explain the results of my previous testing. (Dear doctor, please at least allow me the dignity of being lectured with my clothes on next time.) Seriously rank flatulence in a crowded …

4 Tips for Preventing the Stomach Flu (And what to do when you get it anyhow)

  I wish. Crouched low over the bathtub, I laid my head against the cool wall as I switched the blowdryer to my other hand, careful to keep the hot air trained on a small, nubby, once-blue, now-damp baby blanket. “Are you done yet?” I heard my husband call over the sound of our son …

How Smell Influences Taste (And how to use that to your advantage)

Fact: 70-75% of how you experience flavor is due to your sense of smell. Anecdote: A friend told me about a friend (isn’t this how all good anecdotes start?) who had lost his sense of smell in an accident and consequently lost 20 pounds easy-peasey because, in my friend’s words, “Everything pretty much tasted the …

Fat Substitutes Make You Fat [Research to Make You Go Doh!]

“Wasabi Chips: Wakes you up with every bite!” Or turns you into a self-cannibalizing zombie. Whatevs. On some level your body just knows when something is artificial. It’s why we all have had such a negative gut reaction to Hugh Heffner marrying then not-marrying then replacing that random blond he was “engaged” to for publicity …