A Big Chest Does Not Make You Fat

Dear Scarlett Johansson,You are one talented and beautiful girl. There are not many women who could simultaneously capture the hearts of both Woody Allen and Justin Timberlake. And by all accounts you seem smart and savvy to boot. Plus you manage to keep your panties on and out of rehab. But I am not writing …

Pregorexia: New Eating Disorder or Overblown Media Hype?

Nicole Kidman. Halle Berry. Nicole Richie. Angelina Jolie. I can’t remember the last time any of these women were in the news for a movie they made but all have recently graced many magazine covers. For what? For being able to walk out of the maternity ward in their pre-pregnancy jeans which, natch, were tiny …

Trend Watch: Chest Bones Are the New Clavicle

Skinny is in, just in case you missed the memo and somehow also missed being whacked over the head with the skinny mallet by every single media outlet. But it is no longer enough to just be thin. You must be skeletal. Lumpy thin, a la Kirsten Dunst, is so nineties. Anyone can starve, darlings. …

Do You Find Celebrities Working Out Motivating?

THIS is my kind of inspiration. Plus, the woman’s expression? Priceless. Celebrity diet-and-exercise pieces are the bread and butter of the gossip rags. There are whole websites devoted to how celebs take care of (or abuse) their bodies. The Skinny Website, not well loved by this blogger, as well as the more innocuous Healthy Hollywood …

Prophylactic Surgery For… Eating Disorders?

A 15-year-old had prophylactic surgery to prevent an eating disorder. (Yes, I know you’re all now thinking of condoms but “prophylactic” actually means any medical procedure or practice done to prevent a disease or a condition. You’ll thank me someday.) In this Today Show piece, via Jezebel, the girl and her mother talk about how …

Who Wore It Best: Pint-Sized Edition

“Who Wore it Better?” is a common fixture in today’s gossip rags and sites but it’s usually limited to people old enough to (theoretically) be responsible for their own fashion choices. However, to feed our bottomless celebrity fashion appetite, some are taking the fashion fights from the merely twee set down to the simply wee …

The Nasty Side Effect of Sit-Ups

You could always go the Mariah Carey route (hint: it involves an airbrush, several colors of spray tan, and a drastic underestimation of the observational abilities of the general public.) Sit-ups: they’re the one exercise everyone has tried. Mostly because you can’t help it. Even as a baby it was one of the first things …