Kids and Body Image: Does this Cartoon Make My Butt Look Big?

At first glance, a new study about kids’ television viewing habits seems rather encouraging. A group of 1,055 3-12 year-olds was shown three different pictures of a popular female cartoon character, Bibi Blocksburg (the apparent love-child of Mickey Mouse in his Sorcerer’s Apprentice days and Caillou the inexplicably bald-headed Canadian preschooler): The pictures were set …

Old Navy Special of the Week: Rib Removal, Only $10 !

9 am on a Random Monday Morning. Gym Buddy Allison Calls. A: I have an idea. Let’s skip class today and go to the mall! me: Oooh, will you make me a mix tape too? And then maybe we can hold hands? A: Funny. I’m serious. Let’s play hooky from the gym. me: Um, mall …

Williams Sisters Sell Oreos to Children, Meth Next

You are the current U.S. Open Champion and her equally-as-talented sister. People the world over adore you. You’ve made unprecedented strides in both of your athletic careers and at the same time managed to keep your personal lives on an even keel. Kudos all around. So what do you do? If you are Venus & …

Men’s "Health" Magazines Suck Every Bit As Much As Women’s

Dear Men, I owe you an apology. All these years I had thought that women had the lock on self-hate in print form a la Cosmopolitan and Glamour. Even “health and fitness” magazines often aren’t much better in terms of building self worth and establishing realistic standards. But I had no idea until this weekend …

Would You Pay $48 A Week To Be Thin?

My Fave Target Commercial. What? Like you don’t have one. I was recently accosted in Target. Really it was my own fault. Gym Buddy Allison and I were in the Sports Nutrition aisle looking for gels to take on our long runs. (And, let’s be honest, to look at those sassy running skirts they had …

Coke’s Marketers Are… On Coke

The world’s favorite purveyor of high fructose corn syrup and/or artificially sweetened tooth-decaying fizzy drinks has come out with a new marketing campaign that makes the guys behind Axe body spray look like geniuses. The Happiness FactoryIt all begins with an innocent young lad on a date trying to buy a Coke. From his date’s …