Paying For Pink: Is It Worth It To Buy Fit Gear Designed For Women?

They forgot one: AND not ever possess anything pink. Unless it’s wrapped in bacon. The other day I headed into the local sporting goods store to buy some boxing gloves (it’s about time – I’ve been using the public ones at the gym and those smell so badly that I have to put latex gloves …

10 Lessons I Learned From MMA [And none of them have to do with fighting!]

The MMA Video Shoot: Kicking Butt. Taking Names. Laughing Until I Pee. Just a Little. (HUGE thanks to Darren Batchelor and Kendra Ruff for sharing their expertise with us!) Tonight found me with the inimitable Jen Sinkler – fitness editor of Experience Life mag, former national team rugby player and all-around hottie – filming a video about …

Is Vigilante Justice Ever Ok? 20-Year-Old Girl Punches Man For Rape-y Comment [What Would You Do?]

Any girl who has ever walked down the street and had to listen to jerks catcalling, joking or otherwise harassing a woman will well relate to Kelsey, a 20-year-old Minnesotan, who took matters into her own hands while walking home last weekend. Like any good netizen, she shared the whole story on her blog, along with the …

Would You Hold a Stranger’s Hand? [My Embarrassing Moment in Hot Yoga, Badly Illustrated]

I can be nose to tail with someone in Down Dog. I can have someone’s bunion-ed foot right in my face during Warrior III. I can do Bird of Paradise and “shine” my crotch at all the crotches “shining” back at me. I can even handle it when someone else drips sweat on my mat …

The Problem With Supplement Ads: No Backstory. I fixed it. [Funny Ad Friday]

I just finished reading a fitness magazine (The one with the lady in the bikini on the cover. No, not the bikini-clad girl on the bike. Or the one on the beach. Or the 20 standing in the water. The one with the bikini-clad girl standing in the water by the beach BUT wearing a …

Science Behind the Binge: The Fat-Salt-Sugar Food Trap [Do you have a trigger food?]

Of course, not all food in nature is totally benign either. I heart mushrooms. “Dear God, Thank you for this food. Please bless it. And please tell mom to stop hiding the treat popcorn in her room and eating it all because we’d like some too. Amen.*” Hiding treats from the kids for a little …

Intuitive Eating Update, Year Two: Not good [The post I never wanted to write]

I never wanted to have to write this post. In fact, I wasn’t going to write it. Even though I’m living it. But then I talked to Gym Buddy Allison and she gave me a reality check – in her gentle, totally rational way that I love her for – that life is messy and …

July’s Great Frugal Fitness Experiment [What’s Your Best Healthy Budgeting Tip?]

You have to be careful with frugality though. Sometimes the cheapest option is not always the best… “Wanna get Italian sandwiches? I’ve got a BOGO!” And thus began my first real date* with my husband nearly 13 years ago – with a buy-one-get-one coupon and a warm bottle of Coke he pulled out of his …

My Problem With Protein Powder [The question no one will ever answer for me!]

See – THIS is the proper way to get your protein. Over the years of writing about fitness, I still have several Great Fitness Questions that I have never gotten a satisfactory answer for: – Why does eating one pound of chocolates make me gain more than one pound of weight? How is that even …