New Research: Men Can Eat Carbs and Don’t Fear Getting Fat. (Women, not so much.)

File this under It’s Not Fair (or, Another Reason It’s OK to Steal His Comfy T-Shirts): Men can eat simple carbs like white bread, pasta and rice galore and it doesn’t up their heart disease risk. Women, on the other hand, just smell the stuff and their ticker goes off like a firecracker. To pour …

How to do a Handstand Push Up (Video!)

Weight lifting can be intimidating. While pretty much everyone can do a bicep curl or squat, things start to get tetchy when you depart from the standard five safe exercises – especially if you are doing something with a high potential for embarrassment. Fortunately, those are my very favorite moves to try. It’s a win-win …

How to do a Handstand Push Up (Video!)

Weight lifting can be intimidating. While pretty much everyone can do a bicep curl or squat, things start to get tetchy when you depart from the standard five safe exercises – especially if you are doing something with a high potential for embarrassment. Fortunately, those are my very favorite moves to try. It’s a win-win …

How to do a Handstand Push Up (Video!)

Weight lifting can be intimidating. While pretty much everyone can do a bicep curl or squat, things start to get tetchy when you depart from the standard five safe exercises – especially if you are doing something with a high potential for embarrassment. Fortunately, those are my very favorite moves to try. It’s a win-win …

How to do a Handstand Push Up (Video!)

Weight lifting can be intimidating. While pretty much everyone can do a bicep curl or squat, things start to get tetchy when you depart from the standard five safe exercises – especially if you are doing something with a high potential for embarrassment. Fortunately, those are my very favorite moves to try. It’s a win-win …

New Research: Exercise Better Than Drugs for Depression & Anxiety

Drug rehab, AA, non-fame whoring parents, a decent meal and clothing other than leggings and mini skirts – these are all things that would considerably increase Lindsay Lohan’s standard of living (and let’s be honest, odds of survival). But according to new research, what Lindsay really needs is an exercise intervention. Jasper Smits, director of …

How Do You Commemorate an Athletic Achievement? [Giveaway!!]

I have never yet finished a race on my hands and knees but this necklace sure makes me want to try! Funny! Part of being fitness oriented is setting goals. Everyone has them, whether it’s to run to the next lamppost before walking or to qualify for Boston. To stay and finish the kickboxing class …