5 Tips for Curing Constipation: Things That Make You Go Poop* [The uncomfortable truth about fiber]

Cartoon from the perpetually awesome Natalie Dee Constipation: Lots of people have it. No one talks about it. Yet everyone needs to poop. Indeed, I daresay that a decent dookie is one of life’s great pleasures – one everyone deserves to have, er, regularly. Spending half my life in bathrooms, as I do now that …

Intuitive Eating Meets the Easter Bunny

Holidays can be scary times for people with food issues. For many years I spent the run-up to certain holidays panicking about what I was going to eat (or not eat) at home, at friends’ houses, at parties, at restaurants, at the next Royal Wedding (Seriously, was Kate’s dress not gorgeous? Also, now I want …