Captain Obvious Says: Sleep Deprivation Causes Sugar Cravings

This comic is the first in a series drawn by professional comic and GFE reader N8 (sound it out) especially for The Great Fitness Experiment! I can’t tell you how excited it makes me that I have my own illustrator – I’d put it on my business card if I had any. Look for more …

Burn 1,000 Calories An Hour!

You’ve seen the workout program ads: in between shots of glistening, contracting abdominals and hyper smiling people who only sweat in socially acceptable places – your amped up cleavage if you are a woman, your shaved pecs if you are a man – comes the promise. What, you ask, can a DVD workout/exercise book/smiling B-list …

Mini-Experiment: Eat Candy to Reduce Sugar Cravings?

Photo Credit: XKCD Last week, a guest poster over at MizFit’s had an interesting diet tip. As I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur of weird diet tips, this one fascinated me simply for it’s sheer incongruity. Sue, a bodybuilder who promotes clean eating, suggested: 15 minutes before lunch and dinner suck on a sucking …