Fit Pregnancy: Done With the First Trimester!

I’m 14 weeks pregnant today which means that not only am I officially second trimester now but I’m also the proud mama to a lemon. Yes, the Jelly Bean has moved up the random food scale used by Baby Center to describe the various fetus stages from junk food to something healthier although I can’t …

Pregnancy Weight Gain Guidelines Revised

Nothing says fun like taking your 5-year-old in for his kindergarten checkup, i.e. The Checkup That Requires Shots. (Bonus points for bringing along a tantruming 2-year-old who is missing his nap!) So it was in this frame of mind that I was looking for a little diversion, magazine style. My choices were the regional magazine, …

Pregorexia: New Eating Disorder or Overblown Media Hype?

Nicole Kidman. Halle Berry. Nicole Richie. Angelina Jolie. I can’t remember the last time any of these women were in the news for a movie they made but all have recently graced many magazine covers. For what? For being able to walk out of the maternity ward in their pre-pregnancy jeans which, natch, were tiny …