Testing Adidas’ Barefoot Shoes: When Fashion Collides With Function

Impatience has been a lifelong struggle for me. When I decide to do something, I want to do it rightthisverysecond, a charming trait that has made my husband make a blanket rule that I’m not allowed to talk about anything of import after 10 p.m. lest he end up helping me repaint the living room …

Truth or Slander: Can you judge a skinny girl by her picture?

  BIG SOULLESS MEDIA takes on TINY BUT MORAL BLOGGER! It’s the stuff movies are made of! No? Ok, so I don’t really watch movies but it’s a story we’re all familiar with and if you are a blogger yourself, you probably already know where this is going. There has been a bit of a …

Is Model Adriana Lima an “Athlete”?

Groaning in a puddle of sweat while holding a pose that would be considered obscene in any environment outside of the gym (quite a few exercises fall in this category, to my constant amusement), I considered taking a rest but just then Turbo Jennie yelled, “Come on athletes! Don’t quit now!” That was exactly the …

Neurokineseology and Fitness: 2 week mini-Experiment withT-Tapp (Giveaway!)

 See? Turtleneck leotards make her very happy. I want to be this happy. Except maybe with shoes on. That grass looks pokey.  Do you like calisthenics? Jazz hands? Turtleneck leotards?? Then you will definitely want to get in on this mini-Experiment! For the next two weeks the Gym Buddies and I are going to be …

Running Naked and My First-Ever Censored Post! (Giveaway!)

Fall is perfect outdoor weather and my favorite season to run in. There’s nothing like the crisp air, the colorful leaves and the sunshine to really make you move! But just like every other season it can take some wardrobe adjustments as you move from as-little-as-decency-allows to layer city. Do you like really unique and …

What Was Your Best Halloween Costume Ever? [Plus: 20 Fitness Inspired Halloween Costumes]

I wish this were me but unfortunately I couldn’t find any pics of my gold statue costume, despite looking through every single picture I took in college. (It didn’t take long. I lived in the days before digital cameras and when you’re using film that takes a week to get developed, well, I have about …

20 Celebs Criticized For Their Curves & Their Responses [Do you believe them?]

 Now see, THIS is bad curvy. And also, who knows what asparagus is but not bananas?! Celebrities may have million dollar mansions and designer clothes and an assistant specifically for carrying their miniature labradoodles but they pay for it in public scrutiny. Gone are the days when a star could quietly retreat to an island …

My Mullet of Gym Outfits

The family that mullet-s together, stays (in therapy) together! Mullets were cool, then they were lame, then they were super duper old-creeper-man lame but then they came back around to being parodied, worn ironically and then – heaven help us all – done intentionally. The mullet is back, y’all. And while I don’t think I …

My First Workout Memory [Champion Giveaway!!]

 I’m literally jumping for joy! Robins egg blue capris with white piping and a striped tank top that would make Rainbow Brite jealous: that was the first athletic outfit I ever purchased for myself. (As purtyinorange said to me on Twitter, “Whenever I think of you, I think ‘subtle’… lol”) It was after my 2nd …