August’s Great Fitness Experiment: Kickin’ It Old Skool

Nothing will make you choke on your morning oatmeal worse than logging on to CrossFit to discover the WOD is to run 15K (9.3 miles). Just as I was hacking up a whole raspberry that I’d inhaled, my phone rang – which is awesome, you should totally hear my ringtone, makes me dance every time! …

Running Scared: How I Got Into Fitness

We should institute a paper-bag mask and trench coat uniform for all would-be pervs. Make them so much easier to spot! Photo Credit. It started with running away. The BackstoryAt nineteen I was sexually assaulted by a boy whom I was dating, hereafter referred to as Very Bad Boyfriend. The physical toll it took on …

Jillian Michaels Can Kick My Butt

But she can’t make me dinner. That pretty much sums up my reaction to June’s Jillian Michaels’ Making the Cut experiment. The FoodI have weird taste. I admit that. But tastes issues aside, her food plan sucked. Problemo numero uno: the insanely low daily calorie allotment. She expected me to not only wake up every …