Gym Mysteries: The Curse of the Disappearing Workout Pants! [How do you cover your butt?]

These hot-off-the-screen-printer Nike X-Ray Leggings are so popular that they’re already sold out in every color and size. And yet… I don’t know that I love them. They feel a little naked to me. Like those weird jean skirts that have the undies painted on the outside. Also, knowing me, I’d be way too tempted …

8 Tips For Overcoming an Exercise Addiction [From a girl who’s living it]

My #1 motivation for getting better and staying better: These guys. Wanting to exercise all the time: Yeah, yeah, it’s the problem everyone wishes they had. But the compulsion that drives someone to be a gym rat is hardly enviable. First, just like eating disorders aren’t about the food, compulsive over-exercising isn’t about the fitness. …

Healthy Junk Food or Junky Health Food? How to Avoid The “Health Halo” Phenomenon

image credit I love Trader Joe’s. (For those of you unfamiliar with it, it’s a health food store but smaller, quirkier and way more affordable than Whole Foods.) Always have. The Hawaiian shirts, the quirky foods, the peppy staff and even that stupid bell – just walking in the store makes me smile. And when …

I Finally Did It! I Passed an Important Gym Milestone!!

I literally wore my weight-lifting gloves to shreds! I don’t know why exactly but I’m inordinately proud of this. For a girl who used to avoid the weight floor like celebrities spokespeople avoid straight answers, to lift so many weights that I wore my gloves out, well, is kinda awesome. One of the first investments …

Cat, Dog, Pot-Bellied Pig? We’re Getting a Pet and I Need Advice! [Save me from myself]

Maybe I’ll even get inducted into the club of people who make LOL cats! 200 goldfish in a man-made pond (out of a child’s plastic swimming pool, no less!) with a little footbridge over the top covered in twinkling lights: It was supposed to be the post-card pretty entrance for a local wedding reception but …

Adventures in Grocery Shopping: I am Kale Lady! [How do you eat your greens?]

Now this is a real kale lady. Thank heavens her grocery store carried more than four bunches or she’d be in a salad bikini… like all the rest of the PETA girls. Also? I find this guy strangely creepy. I hope she made him pick a piece from the bottom of her dress.  Gasp. “It’s …

Losing Weight For Someone Else? [Help a Reader Out]

There are a lot of bad reasons to lose weight. And there are a lot of good reasons to lose weight. Unfortunately the two categories aren’t as sharply delineated as we’d like them to be. In writing this post, I spent a good hour trying to come up with examples for each category and what …