Why I Don’t Food Blog

Behold the meat baby. No I didn’t come up with it but thanks anyhow.

Amy recently e-mailed me, “Why don’t you ever blog about what you eat? I’d love to see pix!”

Dear Amy,
That may be the shortest reader question I have ever gotten. In honor of the occasion this will be the shortest answer I have ever written. First I would like to say that I have no problems with other people food blogging. There are lots of witty (Smoothie Girl Eats Too), pretty (Java Chick) and inspiring (Heather Eats Almond Butter) foodies out there. (In fact, I even compiled a list of all my readers’ fave food sites!) I, however, am not one of them and here’s why:

1. I suck at cooking.
2. I eat yucky food.
3. My presentation is awful.
4. As are my photography skills.

For example, lunch today was a pile of week-old salad (brown tinged, wilted and everything!) topped with cold steamed cauliflower and broccoli left over from dinner last night with a microwaved turkey burger on top, covered in salsa and plain yogurt. It looked, very literally, like vomit. Oh and I should mention that I put it on the neon plastic IKEA plate my toddler had just eaten his quesadilla off of. I used his fork too. And I liked it.

My point is: I’m gross. Remember when I baked a turd? Nobody needs to see that.

Although probably nobody needs to see This is Why You’re Fat – a cross between food porn and 4th-grade boy gross out humor – either. But it sure is fun! So, what did you all have for lunch? And by all means post links if you’ve got pictures!

Speaking of pictures, here’s a what-NOT-to-eat-for-lunch tip courtesy of the ’70’s and Passionate Fitness.


  1. Thank you for your comment. I hope you'll post and link and cheer everyone on while becoming part of the experience. 😉

    I'm not cooking anything. I just said I liked the idea. I'd rather someone send me some yellow food.
    However, I'm willing to see all the LIVESTRONG unity in action.
    We can always grab a banana or gnaw on a lemon later.
    Thanks again.

  2. I love to see pictures of people's gardens, or their amazing home redecoration efforts, or their 3rd grader's latest post-modern attempt at impressionist painting. Somehow, pictures of food just doesn't do it for me.
    I'd rather eat food than look at it.

  3. Charlotte,

    Thanks for mentioning Passionate Fitness in your post! We enjoy your blog a lot and appreciate your support. 🙂

    We're hoping to become the #1 meeting place of the fitness community, and hopefully your readers can help make that happen!


    Rafi Bar-Lev
    Founder and Creator of Passionatefitness.com

  4. Oh lord do I miss the 70's. Hand me a candy bar, will ya, I don't want to get fat!

    I'm with you, my food choices are often weird and ugly, and the rare times when I try to photograph things they always come out blurry. I'll leave food blogging to the pro's!

  5. I don't food journal for two reasons: 1) I remember very well everything I've eaten, and 2) If I really thought about what I ate, I might skip a few meals.

    For example:
    Monday Breakfast: Slice of Marble Rye Toast w/ 1 Slice of Swiss Cheese.
    Monday Lunch: Grilled Cheese (Marble Rye with Swiss & Cheddar) & French Fries.
    Monday Dinner: (Keep in mind I'm a vegetarian cooking for meat-eaters) Flank Steak w/ Peppercorn Butter, Parmesan Mashed Potatoes, Squash Casserole, and Steamed Peas. I only at the potatoes and peas.
    Tuesday Breakfast: 1 Cup Dry Cheerios, 1 handful Dry Roasted Almonds.
    Tuesday Lunch: Team Building Lunch at work; 4 slices of pizza, 2 sodas.
    Tuesday Dinner: Tabouli Salad w/ Warmed Pita.
    Wednesday Breakfast: 2 slices cold pizza left over from yesterday's team lunch.

    And now I'm going to skip the leftover tabouli salad and pita I brought with me today for lunch and try to run about 60 miles in my hour lunch break.


  6. My food looks very good, but it's repetitive. My broccoli-red pepper-yellow squash-cashew-teriyaki meatball stir-fry looks very nice the first time, but I'm sure the novelty would wear off after seeing it five times a week.

    I'm not a huge fan of food blogs, but I love the "Cute Food Saturdays" on Mara's blog:


    It's not Saturday, but you can check out all the past Saturdays in her archives. Watermelon carved into roses, bento boxes that look like Totorro; how can you resist?

  7. I've considered doing a Chez Dr. J column, and probably will at some point. The main reason I don't food blog is I think food has become too important in everything, and I do not want to support that behavior. Most of the "weight loss" blogs I look at are always talking about food. As Ann Landers said, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Just my opinion.

  8. That meat baby is gross. Also, I appreciate being paired up with the word pretty. Even though we're talking about food. I'll take what I can get. 🙂

  9. Honestly, I could never be a food blogger. I'd rather eat it than take a picture of it.

  10. My lunch plops out of a can I bought at Trader Joes.

    It would be funny to laugh at the sugar as diet food add, but we're back to the whole "sugar is healthy" thing in the wake of the HFCS scare. It's a crazy world.

  11. My lunch today is some sort of Lean Cuisine… time was short this week, so this is the healthiest I could do with no perishable food in the house! But generally I have the brown salad you mentioned…

    I should track my food more closely. I know that's the only way I manage to not gain tons of weight, or actually lose weight (when not pregnant). Otherwise it's too easy to snack on a bag of Tootsie Rolls at work… and the pretzels I grab by the printer have a way of adding up…

  12. Pictures never seem to do food justice. It's impossible to capture the texture, the smell, the true colors… and I love leaning over a nice, hot plate of food and feeling the warmth on my face (not that I get a warm meal very often).

    But most of all, after slaving all afternoon creating edible perfection, it's not fair that snapping a photo only takes 1/500th of a second.

  13. HA! I'm Lovin' the meat baby pic. Rock on….or eat something greedy-tasty (either one).

  14. nothing would make people less hungry than seeing what food concoctions I eat on a daily basis.

    HEY! perhaps that's my million dollar idea: MizFits Food & Appetite Loss Blog (brought to you by GFE. You didnt think Id leave you behind did you?! :))

  15. Every Gym's Nightmare

    wow- meat baby is nasty. I get the food blogging question a lot too and my answer includes all of yours (except I dont often even use plates) plus the fact that food is not very interesting to me. i dont get the fascination over what if currently floating through someone's digestive tract.

  16. You are too funny! I am like you.. I don't do food well. I eat really healthy BUT boring the way I make it & presentation too! I loved your post!

    I eat mini meals so what I ate depends on what time of day you get me. Still morn here so I have had a couple mini meals already since I workout at EARLY & have to breakfast mini meals! Nothing too exciting to see BUT they include whole grain toast, power PB, protein bar, more whole grain bread, Muscle Milk light mini drink and veggies are coming up at lunch time & maybe some non fat Greek yogurt along with some organic wild blueberries & it goes on… not too exciting to look at but I like the foods I pick to eat.

  17. That link was SICK! Made me put back the peanut butter cookie that was hovering near my lips.

    Thanks again for your facebook advice last week. 🙂

  18. Meat baby is HILARIOUS! thisiswhyyourfat.com is like a train wreck – awful, but you HAVE TO LOOK.

    It is just unnaturally interesting to me what people eat (not in a judging way, just a pure curiosity) so I love reading them. I post recipes when I make something new and fun that I want to share, but I could never do it regularly. Mostly because it is in my tummy by the time I think about snapping a picture. 🙂

  19. I'm a sucker for food porn. Enough so that I have a food blog. Of course I don't have enough time to post on it often, but I have a camera full of food to post…someday…:)

  20. Huh. Meat baby. Yuck.
    I couldn't be a food blogger, either. A few years ago I was pretty adventurous, cooking-wise, but now I REALLY don't want to spend tons of time I don't really have making food that my kids won't eat. So my repertoire is pretty basic right now.

  21. Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter)

    Don't be ashamed – I've posted plenty bowls of turd-like substances, and people keep coming back for more.

    Thanks for the sweet shout-out. By the way, your lunch sounded perfect to me.:)

  22. Deb (Smoothie Girl Eats Too)

    Thank you so much for the kind mention and link! I feel very honored!

    A reader-cum-friend once asked me if I would play "food blogger" for a day b/c she was curious what I ate. So I did a few weeks ago and it darn near killed me. Took.All.Day. just to photograph and download and document- ugh! (and that wasn't a heavy eating day either!) I was EXHAUSTED!!!

    I do take photos of certain food items or recipes that I think are interesting. But my typical snarky comment about it is that no one needs to see my appleandfivealmonds snack post. Yawn.