“I love your potential more than I love you”: The importance of loving ourselves for who we are now

This afternoon I spent a harrowing hour biting my nails and waiting to hear the test results. No not another test on my heart or broken brain. In fact this test wasn’t even anything to do with me! I was waiting for my son to finish his placement test for what math class he’ll end …

When Science Goes “Oops!”: 3 Healthy “Just Kidding Y’all”s That Will Delight You [Pants, Parenting and Steak]

Science is known for contradicting itself but this week has been a banner week for the mea culpas from the smarter set.* J/k is totally the newest element on the periodic table. And it’s only Wednesday! Maybe it’s evidence of my low sense of humor. Or maybe I just like watching previously adamant people eat …