New Experiment: Jillian Michaels’ Making the Cut

Jillian Michaels is scary. My sister thinks she looks like a man (“You’ve seen her right? She’s kind of weird looking.”). Gym Buddy Megan thinks she’s a drill sergeant (and not in a good boot-camp way, more in a scary person in cammo with too much power way). You all remember what the clerk at Barnes & Noble thought of her. The general consensus is that she’s fun to watch from a safe distance but only masochists would want to work out with her.

I like masochism. Kidding. What I like is that she’s honest. Intuitively we all know that those Hollywood Hardbodies don’t really get that way doing “30 minutes of cardio three times a week with 5 Simple Toning Moves You Can Do With Your Dog.” And yet we all believe the loads of crap that celebrities and the rags feed us about their workouts and diets. Jillian cuts through all that crap in the first chapter of Making the Cut:

This book is not for the faint of heart. Over the next 30 days you are mine, and this is your bible. […] This is not some namby-pamby “lifestyle” book that’s going to waffle on about moderation for “better health” and leave you with the warm-fuzzies. It’s about seeing how far you can go, getting a little crazy, and maybe along the way making that ex of yours want you back. The bottom line? It’s about getting in the best shape of your life – so let’s get ripped.

Every workout guru out there promises amazing results and very few deliver but she’s so transparent about the work that goes into those photo shoots/book covers/media blitzes that I kinda believe she can deliver on her big promises. Her workouts look seriously intense. Her diet plan is insane. The whole program is crazy.

And I like crazy. Our last few Experiments have kind of felt like treading water so I wanted to try something for June that would really shake things up.

The Test
Before you can embark on this mission of madness, you have to pass Jillian’s test. She’s very specific about who this book is written for. First you must be looking to only lose the last 10-20 lbs of “vanity weight.” Second, you have to have a “moderate” level of fitness which she defines as being able to pass the following test:

1. Step on and off a 12-inch step for three minutes. Take your pulse for one minute. You need to be 119 or lower for women (107 for men).

2. Do as many push-ups (“Girly push-ups? I don’t even want to hear it – toughen up or go buy someone else’s book.”) as you can in one minute. Girls need 12 or more, men at least 30.

3. Do as many sit-ups as you can in 1 minute. 25 or more gets the girls in, 31 gets the men.

4. Do a wall sit. Minimum of 30 seconds is required although 60-90 seconds is expected.

The Diet
I’m not even going to pretend to call this a “nutrition” plan. It’s a diet. First you should know that she expects you to survive (and work out) on your BMR (basal metabolic rate) – the number of calories your body needs just to survive. If you already know yours from metabolic testing, use that. Otherwise try this calculator.

Next, take her quiz either by shamelessly camping out in Barnes & Noble with a pen and paper or: someone who fears lawyers less than I do posted Jillian’s actual quiz here. Once you know what kind of oxidizer you are then you should use the following macronutrient ratios:

slow oxidizer: 60% carbs/25% protein/15% fat
balanced oxidizer: 40% carbs/30% protein/30% fat
fast oxidizer: 20% carbs/50% protein/30% fat

Then either make meals that fall within your allotted calories and follow your ratio or buy her book and use her very specific meal plans (recipes included). If you choose to go your own on this, it will help to use a calorie tool to track your numbers. I really like the (free) Cron-o-meter. You just type in your percentages and then look up the foods from their very extensive database or type in your own info.

The Workouts
In her book she provides daily workouts based around 5 circuits involving both weights and HIIT (high intensity interval training) that are supposed to be completed in under 45 minutes. Due to my previously mentioned fear of copyright lawyers I will not be posting her workouts here. You can make up your own 45-minute sets of circuits or use ones you find on the net or in a magazine. Hers look pretty tough though so if you’re set on doing this experiment then you’re probably best off just buying the book or seeing if you can get it from the library.

She requires (!) you to commit to a minimum of 1 hour a day 5 days a week. Extra cardio or twice-a-day workouts are up to you, depending just how crazy you want to get about this. Her only caveat is to do the cardio after her circuits.

One interesting point – she schedules in rest days (every Wed, Sat & Sun). So this will actually have Allison and I working out less than our usual. But hey, I’m sure we’ll make up for it with intensity! (And for all you smart-alecks who pointed out to me that 5+3=8 and not 7, let me clarify that she wants you to commit to working out 5 days a week. Her circuits only take up 4 days so you have to come up with something on your own for the fifth day – probably some low-and-slow cardio.)

The Plan
It’s a very strict 30-day plan. She outlines what you will be eating, drinking and doing in the gym every day in detail. I plan on doing her workouts to the letter. Her diet? Not so much. I can’t live on 1300 cals/day (my BMR) much less work out, wash dishes and not snap at my children. So I’ll eat according to her macronutrient ratios and follow her suggested foods list but I will not be counting my calories.

*Note: her last chapter is about how to “peak” for a big event and endorses many tactics like caffeine pills, lengthy sauna trips & treadmill runs in heavy clothing to sweat out extra water and extremely low-cal/low-carb diets (600/day). She warns to only do it for a week to get in “peak” form. I would warn you to never do it. Ever. I get that fitness models and celebrities do this kind of nonsense which is exactly why I’m glad I’m not one. The Gym Buddies and I are not doing the “peak week.”

Readers Rachel, Seabreeze & Colleen already said they’re in. Any other crazies out there??


  1. Wow! Jillian Michaels ain’t playin. This whole plan sounds like torture! I know I couldn’t make it through, but I admire you and any others who are willing to subject yourselves to it!

  2. Did you break down and buy the book? I’m going to go check it out. I’m started my official marathon training tomorrow for TC marathon this Oct. If I can incorporate her workouts I might be in! Sound exciting in a ‘yes ma’am – whatever you say ma’am’ kind of way!

  3. I’m highly interested…but I’m not sure about the cardio portion. I’m training for a race and afraid if I add in cardio I will be overtraining. Can I still participate in just the strength training portion? I’d be up for that.

    As for the diet? There’s no way I can even stay awake all day on 1500 calories alone! I’ll do my own thing but follow the nutrient breakdown. After all, I’m not really trying to lose weight, I’d just like to have some nice abs on the beach this summer!

  4. Wow that looks intense. I would LOVE to read her book (incidentally, I looked and couldn’t find the Red Carpet Ready book. Do you know if its been sold in regular bookstores?). I like her honesty too; it certainly makes it seem much more likely to get the results.

    The interesting thing I’ve found about food intake is that a lot of the time, it really IS possible to go down to that few calories and function perfectly fine. Its just that we’re so used to having the extra calories so our bodies can’t handle suddenly having a lot less. Even so, I definitely prefer having the extra amount rather than a bare minimum!

  5. holy smokes! sounds like the craziness we used to do when I was competing in figure! Would love to hop on the wagon, but i’m starting a different experiment next week that i’ll post about monday. I also have to incorporate it with my marathon training for NYC so adding Jillian’s torture might be too much! But i can’t wait to read all about your FUN filled 30 days 😉

  6. Alright, I’ve got my hands on a copy of the book. I’ll be joining in!

  7. I just started back on 5x per week two day body split, so I’ll wait and see how it pans out for you.

    Interesting that she advocates such low calories. Makes one think that to be in THAT kind of shape, that is what one must do, right? I hate that the media/industry/our own brains let us think that something less will get us in Jillian shape. It is just a set-up for huge disappointment…and the next wonder-product, right?

  8. She freaks me out, i rememebr when i went to my very first weight training class when i was a 14 (crazy, but i wanted to get some buff arms, can you blame a naive, puny 14-year old???) and we had a teacher named chirstmas. she was exactly like Jillian, only maybe a shade lighter in skin tone. but same attitude, everything! whe she made us hold our squats, she’d begin to lecture how we should eat a certain way and that if we cant do boy push ups we’re wussies. it was so scarry for a 14 year old! this is interesting though, and nutritionals aside (i dont think trainers make excellent nutritionists), i might actually join you!

  9. There’s an interview with her on And she admits that she hates working out!!!!!!

    Coulda knocked me down with a feather!

  10. Azusmom – I blogged that interview for huffpo! The woman is a nut!!

  11. i read that HuffPo blog on Jillian by you – nice!
    Caffeine pills? Gee, that sounds…bad. I like a long sauna session but only to relax in the winter, not to sweat out toxins or lose weight and DEF not in heavy clothing. Naked, baby!
    I also just am not cut out for the twice/day workout split. I sweat so much, I’d be in the shower three times a day! But damn, I’d be firm.

  12. I’m a copyright lawyer but don’t worry I won’t bust your balls for putting any quizzes up. Besides that I have no power as i’m in Oz!

    I would love to do this but
    a) i’m not insane and
    b) there’s not way my HR would be under 119 on that test thingymebob.

  13. I have the book and it’s intimidating. I’ll try the circuits, but I don’t think I could commit to the eating plan (I get too crazy when I count calories). We’ll see what happens.

  14. I haven’t purchased the book, but I read some conflicting comments on Amazon. Some said you need access to a gym to do these workouts and some said you need very little equipment. Since I don’t have access to a gym (nor do I own boxes to jump on or balls to sit on), the only equipment I own are some dumbells, should I even buy this book? I’m not going to do the diet part either (1400 calories, no thanks!), so I guess I could look up workouts on the internet and sub those in if it seems like the book wouldn’t do me much good.

  15. Ok, so this weekend I tore my upper back/shoulder muscle thingy (whatever it is, my neck is spaseming and I can barely move.) Oh, you want to know how I did that? Trying to crack a lobster shell for the first time. I now know that crustacians are dangerous. Soooo, yeah, I’m pretty much worthless for working out for the next few days. And diet? Umm. When I can lift my fork with ease, I’ll maybe see about following the diet… Sigh. A torn back muscle is just so.. debilitating. You can’t run, or lift! Sigh…please wish me a fast recovery.

  16. Awww, Rachel, I’m sorry about your injury! It sounds like you and I both are poopin’ out on this one! That lady’s stare makes me uneasy anyway, but I am going to committ to downloading HIITs and working them 3-4 days a week.

  17. Gena – you can do just the circuits. I won’t tell on you;) Yay – I’m so glad you are joining us!

    Sagan – the Red Carpet Ready book is only an e-book. You put in your credit card number and then download the .pdf file

    at22 – excellent point. And good luck with your new split!

    Wundalucy – thanks for not ratting me out, girl;)

    Nicole – it’s more intimidating to look at. Trust me, it’s not that bad once you get into it!

    Colleen – You might be able to do it with just a set of dumbbells. You’d have to adjust a few of the moves but it is def. doable. It would be easier though to do it at a gym. Good luck with your HIITs – can’t go wrong there!

    Rachel – Noooooooo! I am so sorry to hear about your injury. You have all my wishes for a speedy recovery. I hope you aren’t in too much pain.

  18. was looking through her book yesterday…I mightcould be in!
    except for the diet part 🙂


    let’s be honest.

    Im not in.

    I shall cheer you on from the sidelines.


  19. Okay, well I’m doing the cardio too. And my own running program on top of it, I just do the 15 minutes at a low intensity so I’m not overdoing it.

    Maybe I’m a little crazier than I thought?

  20. The book sounds intriguing. Although she’s intense, she gets results.

  21. My book comes on Monday, so I will be a week or so behind you. I have convinced the room mate that she wants to undertake this challenge with me, which should provide additional motivation.

    I can’t commit whole heartedly to the meal plans, but I will try my best.

  22. This book is AWESOME! I’m on day 13. I usually run 30 miles per week and work each body part once per week with weights. My routine was 90 minutes long and pretty intense.

    When I first read her workout I thought it was going to be too easy. Boy was I wrong! The only part I had to change was the running…her MPH suggestions may be too easy for avid runners. I struggle to climb the exit stairs at the gym when I’m ready to leave.

    As for the food, I suggest weekly grocery shopping. Sometimes you’ll have to substitute one lunch for yesterdays leftovers. I am able to take her recipes and cook for one. I don’t use the fresh spices, since I have dry ones. I work full-time and have two small children, but it is possible to find time to make the meals.

    The first week I dropped 5.4 lbs. One main reason…the decrease in my sodium and increase in water consumption. I feel fuller and my energy is through the roof.(Even though I’m eating less than 1500 calories.)

    Once I finish…I plan on repeating the program for an additional 30 days, and following the diet as a lifestyle (with increasing caloric intake).

    Best of luck to all of you! You will not be disappointed!

  23. Thanks Piper! I totally agree about the mph being too easy. We’ve bumped up our sprints to the max the tready will go (12 mph at our wussy gym). Glad you are liking it so well! Def. let me know your thoughts at the end of the 30 days.

  24. 12 mph? The treadmills at my gym blow their fuses at 10. I settle for 9 with a 2 percent incline.

    I’m on day four of the workout (it is supposed to be a co-ed workout, right?) and it is surprisingly tough. I modified a couple of things (50 squats with no weight does nothing for me — I need some weight), but not much.

    Anyway, glad I found your blog — very entertaining and well-written.

  25. I started to camp out at Barnes and Noble and just bought the book. I am finishing up Day 2. However, unlike you, I am sticking to the diet and not doing her circuit training. I already have good arms and lots of muscle–too much in fact. It’s just all hiding under a fat suit right now.

    Anyway, I also already do lots of cardio–my bike ride to work is about a 2:30 hour commute–so I don’t want to go to a gym and do weird exercises. But I have to say, eating 1600 calories a day for me is SO HARD. I was probably eating 3500 or more calories a day. It’s only Day 2 and I already almost drank a beer.

    I’m posting my progress on my blog

    One comment though. I think that you should really count your calories at least for the first week to see just how much you’ve been eating–because as an exercise fanatic, I can attest that it is really hard to lose weight on just training alone, regardless of your carb/protein/fat calorie ratios.

    Keep us updated and good luck…I’m going to go look at pictures of food now.

  26. I LOVE this workout! I’m not doing the diet plan to the letter either….just taking the general idea of the plan and adapting to use foods that my family will actually eat. I have 5 kids ages 12 to 9 months, and I guarantee they aren’t going to eat swordfish, etc.!!!!! Okay back to the workout: I’m about to start my 3rd round of the 30-days and I LOVE the shape this program has gotten me into! Yes, I’ve felt like I was going to puke a time or two, but I like to work out hard and this program definintely will push you to your limit if you let it. I’ve gone up on weights and reps since my first time, and I can finally do burpies without feeling like I’m going to have a heart attack! I’ve lost my last 8 stubborn baby pounds, and I’m wearing a bikini for the first time in years. If only this program would give me bigger boobs…oh well, can’t have it all, I guess. 🙂

  27. Thanks for the fantastic review! I'm going to buy the book now. I'll def be back to read more of your posts. Nat

  28. Thanks for taking the time to help, I really apprciate it.

  29. Please someone help me, I have read the book and can not find anywhere that it says to workout 5 times per week, I see 3 days of rest. And from what I can see, there is only 15min. of cardio 4 times a week, what am I missing????

  30. I have same question as yours Amy. And I don't know if the cardio workout is going to be enough. I think I will start running in the morning for 30min and do the weight training in the evening.

  31. It's my 5th day doing the program. I lost abt 2 lbs already however I feel big. I look at myself in the mirror and I look bigger than the way I looked when I started the program. Any thoughts please?

  32. Starting this tomorrow – any one still doing it? or any advice?

  33. I just started the program on Monday. I am interested to know how those of you who started some time ago are doing now. Did the program help you reach your weight loss/toning goals?

  34. Anon – I posted about my results from this Experiment. You can read about it here:

  35. Ran into her in the men’s room of the Atlanta airport. So she pees standing up; she/he has still helped many people, and maybe even saved their lives.

  36. I love Jillian Michaels. I have been following her online plan for 95 days I have lost over 1 and a half stone. I was just under 12 stone and am 5 ft 8 and was a size 14. Just over 3 months later I am now just under 10st 7 and a respectable size 10. Yes this workout and food plan sounds nuts to begin with, but once you get into it, the endorphin rush after each workout is AMAZING! Life is so much more positive after working out with Jillian!

  37. Does anyone knows the % of carbs, fat and protein allowed on the 7-day peaking diet at the end of the book?