Laser Lipo, Probiotics, Adding Fat, Delish Spices, and More Tips for Fuller Hair: Answering Reader Q’s! [Help a reader or five out! Pleeease!]

Today this happened: Yep. Jelly Bean started preschool! After 12 years of waiting for the day when I’d have a consistent block of time to myself you’d think that I’d be thrilled. And I am. I’m so thrilled I sobbed in my car for 20 minutes after she trotted blithely into her classroom with nary …

Designer Poop: What’s the Deal With Prebiotics and Probiotics? [What they are, how to eat them and why you should]

Unicorns obviously have very healthy gut bacteria. Hospitals with their life, death, and strange-smell zeitgeist have been the setting for several major revelations in my life (not the least of which is that nutritionists consider Malt-o-Meal a “solid food” but Jell-O is a “liquid”) and this time it was no different. My 3rd son, just …

4 Tips for Preventing the Stomach Flu (And what to do when you get it anyhow)

  I wish. Crouched low over the bathtub, I laid my head against the cool wall as I switched the blowdryer to my other hand, careful to keep the hot air trained on a small, nubby, once-blue, now-damp baby blanket. “Are you done yet?” I heard my husband call over the sound of our son …