Got Muscles and Proud of It? Barbell Denim Debuts Jeans Made Specifically For Athletes and Our Muscular Legs!

  I’m sure these were the prototype. Remember that time I ripped the crotch out of my jeans when my muscular thighs Incredible-Hulked my wussy J.Crew’s? Good times! You may remember I finally found a pair of stretch denim jeans in a curvy fit that didn’t make my thighs feel like sausages on sale, bought …

The Case For Athletic Optimism [Or: How Julia Mancuso Used Her Underdog Status to Win Her 4th Olympic Medal]

For the record, the next time I win anything I’m totally crowning myself with a tiara!! How fun is that on the medal podium? Way better than that stupid bite-the-medal pose everyone else does… Four Olympic medals make some pretty sweet bling but, for skier Julia Mancuso, her latest addition also makes her the most decorated …