I Have a Heart Defect: Me and My Myocardial Bridge (Bring on the crushing chest pain)

Andersen Family – April 2015 photo courtesy of Still Memories photography UPDATE 9/15/17: For everyone looking to discuss their Myocardial Bridges, Ben (you’ll recognize him from the comments) has set up a site specifically for this purpose. Join the conversation at the Myocardial Bridge Community forum. Thanks Ben! Vomiting at a finish line isn’t exactly …

Eggsplosion: The “other” time of the month [Ovulation syndrome and how to deal with it]

Women ovulate. Sometimes we do it while walking down the street, during meetings, talking on the phone and even while we sleep. Oh hi mom! I’m good. You? Oh nothing much, just sitting here spontaneously popping out an egg and thinking fondly of you!  In fact some of us are probably doing it rightthisverysecond and you wouldn’t …

The Five Stages of Grief… for My Huge Pus-Spewing Zit [Anyone have a good blemish remedy?]

Bounding into my room this morning at still-too-early-o’thirty (official Kid Standard Time), Jelly Bean threw herself across my slumbering back and did a perfect imitation of wee Princess Anna in Frozen, proclaiming, “The sky’s awake! So I am awake! So we have to play!” My crabbiness was overcome by her cuteness and I cracked a …

Humiliated By My High Heels: Is It Time To Ditch My Stilettos? [Plus: How to prevent bunions]

Emma Thompson at the Golden Globes proves I’m not the only chica to start out in some fierce heels only to regret them when it’s too late to change! She even said they were “stained with her blood”! Emma will you be my bestie? Pride goeth before the fall – and never is that more …

I Had My Own “Touching Strangers” Moment! What would you do if a strange woman cupped your face in her hands?

 (c) Richard Renaldi “Oh, it hurts.” At first read you might imagine the woman – a stranger in all senses – grasping her chest (or arm or foot), wincing at the embarrassment of Pain in Public. On second read you might imagine the woman saying it in dismay, as if she were the cause of …