An epic love story that will renew your faith in people: “Just because life is hard doesn’t mean it can’t be good” [The Hope and Steve Dezember Story]

I get to interview a lot of cool, funny, smart and amazing people for my job (true story: just interviewed a scientist whose research has shown that eating broccoli sprouts can help clean pollution out of your lungs!) but every once in a while I get to do an interview that goes straight to my …

Dear Kirstie Alley: Why Fat Shaming Doesn’t Work, Even on Yourself [“I’m fat but at least I’m not circus fat”]

Dear Kirstie Alley, I got your press release about how you’re going back to your first diet love, Jenny Craig. (I really appreciated the personal touch of including the pictures of all your diet products. Apparently JC will now be carrying your line of diet drinks in their stores so, um, way to play it …

Confession: The Most Painful Thing About Being a Mom [Living a life with an open heart]

Who are you?  The moment you first see your baby is supposed to be one of the most beautiful of your whole life. It’s supposed to make you forget all the pain you endured, be grateful for the sacrifice, make it all worth it. You’re supposed to fall in love, right there in that strange …

And Then the Beautiful Thing Happened [Or: Attack of the Fun-Suckers]

Him: “Help Mom, I’ve been kidnapped by a giant!” Me: “Now you can’t run away! This is brilliant! Where are the giants when I need them??” A beautiful thing happened today. But of course, a whole bunch of ugly precluded it. (That’s basically a law of the universe, right after the one that says if …