When Pinspiration Goes Bad: The weirdest, funniest and just-might-work-iest healthy pins

Admit it, you’ve ridden the Pinterest roller coaster: It starts with the high of finding the perfect little black dress, quickly followed by the decision to find the perfect workout to make you look hot in said dress, then comes the mania of looking through 11,230 fitness pinboards, followed by the low of desperation when you realize …

Blackmailed by Black Bananas: Giving Myself Permission to Let Go [It’s Okay to… Admit When You’re Not Okay]

I told you bananas are jerks. Blackmailed by black bananas. Oh sure they look innocuous just sitting there in their fruity innocence but they’ve been torturing me – torturing me – for a week now. It all started with selling our house. (Which, good news, it’s sold! Yay!*) But the showing process was excruciating in a way …

Designer Poop: What’s the Deal With Prebiotics and Probiotics? [What they are, how to eat them and why you should]

Unicorns obviously have very healthy gut bacteria. Hospitals with their life, death, and strange-smell zeitgeist have been the setting for several major revelations in my life (not the least of which is that nutritionists consider Malt-o-Meal a “solid food” but Jell-O is a “liquid”) and this time it was no different. My 3rd son, just …

“Safety Tips for Ladies”: What Works, What You Think Works But Doesn’t and What’s Just Hilarious

#safetytipsforladies: just dora the explorer your attacker. “rapist! no raping!” works every time. — Lucille Baller (@davalyns) March 27, 2013 This is even funnier if you have seen Dora the Explorer (Exploradora!) like I have. Every day. For a year. Send this to every girl you want to stay alive. The letter’s wording was ominous and …

Fitness Fashion for the ADD Magpie in You! [Need a last minute gift idea? PV Body Discount]

I swear I did not do this to her. Totally Jelly Bean’s idea! You can’t hear but she’s giggling. She has no idea what a dunce cap is anyhow. But this is the ending! This is how it all started: When a mysterious pink package showed up on our doorstep, the kids pounced on it. …