New Research: Fasting

Increased insulin sensitivity. Faster healing. Cellular rejuvenation. Decreased blood pressure. Reduction in oxidative damage. Less type 2 diabetes. Less cancer. Less cardiovascular disease. Protection against heart disease. Decreased fat mass. Now hold up, there! All I read was scientificmumbojumbo blah blah blah decreased fat mass. That’s right. What if I told you that you could …

New Research: Skinny People Die Young

Compared to overweight people, that is. Contradicting what I, and many of you, have come to feel is common sense, this study says that people in the “overweight” category of the BMI scale live longer, healthier lives than their “normal” counterparts with people in the “underweight” and “obese” categories having the worst outcomes. Okay, so …

How I Roll…

Or work out, that is. Alex had some great questions about my 12/8 sprints and, specifically, my workouts. So I thought I’d answer them. Right after I do a crazy happy dance that I actually have a READER!! Someone read my blog, people! I think I might faint. I haven’t even had the guts to …

My Goals

I should lay this on the table right away: I’m not trying to lose weight. I may possibly be the only woman in America who is not actively trying to lose weight. Now, lest you think me invulnerable to the pop-culture swamp that I live in, I would like to be about 10 pounds lighter. …

I’m a Freak

Everyone has their weird little obsessions – research is mine. I’ll read anything with statistics in it. If it starts with “A recent study shows…”, I’m in hog heaven. If it links to the actual paper with the actual study (and not just some teaser of an abstract) I might actually cry a little with …