Naked Breast-Feeding Yoga Mom: Modern Renoir or Raunchy? [$100 Body Language Sportswear Giveaway!]

Yoga makes me feel gangster. And by gangster I mean duck lips.  True Story: I was once approached about doing a first-person article about the “new” “trend” of Naked Yoga. (I think this may be a right of passage for female fitness journalists?) But in all honesty I’m a prude and the only thing that …

The Rise of Quickie Healthcare: How do you feel about in-store health clinics? [Walgreen’s $100 Giveaway!]

I’ll remember the day that the first “minute clinic” opened near my house as one of the happiest of my life. When you have young kids, trips to the doctor are inevitable and frequent. And while we had a pediatrician I adored, sometimes if it looks like pinkeye, itches like pinkeye, and infects playgroups on …

T25 Alpha Phase Review, Athleta Photoshoot and The Great Fitness Experiment WEEK OF GIVEAWAYS!

A couple weeks ago, Jelly Bean and I got to do a little shopping and photoshoot with Athleta as part of their #ShareYourOm month! All photobombs courtesy of my cat, Luna. Seriously cats must think we are SO WEIRD. This week is going to be AWESOME here at the GFE! I’ve got 5 amazing giveaways …