TV Shows About Sports: The Good, The Bad, The Nonsensical! [Why I’m not really blogging tonight]

Praise the heavens! You can’t tell but Megan’s really upset I couldn’t find our matching leotards. The Super Bowl, the World Series, the Olympics: When most people talk about watching sports on TV they mean they’re “catching the game.” But I am not most people (in this case I am both dumber and more juvenile …

You Know You’re a Fitness Nerd If… [My top 20 list!]

…if “dressing up” means wearing your silver Nikes. Anyone who’s ever done weighted hip thrusts while having a serious conversation or watched two guys arm wrestle over the last jar of Pure Protein knows: Fitness is funny. The things we say, the things we do, and heaven help us, the things we WEAR. Every once in …

Courtney Love, Food Journals and My “Efficient” Metabolism [Watching other people eat]

I… have no caption for this picture. Courtney Love defies description. “Hershey leaves me my usual tray of foods.” An entire story in one sentence, written by Ms. Courtney Love as her ode (or eulogy, I’m still not sure) to food when the Grubstreet page of New York magazine asked her what she normally ate. They …

Swallowing My Pride In the Gym: Going Back to Basics (And Poking Random People in the Back)

See this is why my squat form sucked! I forgot my lucite heels! Upon meeting me, the first thing my scary smart Lifetime Fitness trainer, Steve, did was have me stand in front of him facing a gigantic mirror. As he put his hands gently on my shoulders he said, “I want you to see what I …

I Finally Figured Out Why My Jeans Fit Funny [Me vs. My Numbers. I Win!]

No actual numbers were harmed (or used) in the making of this post. While I do discuss my eating disordered history, I’ve tried to keep triggers to a minimum and if you are suffering from an eating disorder I would actually encourage you to keep reading. This is my message of hope. If I can …

‘Must-Have’ Fitness Items You Really Don’t Need

Totally unrelated to anything but it’s TRUE. If they’d added “playing Word Scramble obsessively” this would be the recap of my weekend. Everywhere you go someone is trying to sell you fancy fitness equipment and the primary tactic they use is that you simply must have it. Something about that word just makes me feel …

What If I Fail? The Trees I Cannot Climb

Jelly Bean’s first attempt at tree climbing. What she lacks in technique, she makes up for in screaming! “I DO IT!” has been Jelly Bean’s mantra of late. In classic two-year-old form she insists on doing everything herself, with varying degrees of success. Watching her attempt buttons, buckles and seatbelts is a lesson in tenacity. …

My Mirena IUD is Gone! [Why I did it and What’s Happened Since]

The broom method! Haven’t tried that one yet!  Ladies: I have big news! Gents: I have a huge overshare! So consider yourselves informed and warned. I got my Mirena IUD out. For everyone who is not breathlessly following the status of my uterus (can’t imagine why), the Mirena is an intra-uterine device that prevents pregnancy …