How (Not) To Use a Sandbag [Gym Buddy Workout Videos!]

Daria and I model our sandbags. Hers is leaking black coal dust down her back and yet she’s still smiling. What a trouper! Ever had your butt handed to you by a piece of fitness equipment? Well I sure did. Our very first day of the Sandbag Experiment ended with sandbag: 20, Charlotte: 0. One …

The Exercise Widow(er) Phenomenon [Coming to a marriage near you?]

Do you or someone you love suffer from the following symptoms? – Attending only parties that serve salted nut rolls and Powerade. – Picking up 8 pairs of different (but still look pretty much the same) running shoes every evening. – Waking up alone to an empty bed and a note that says “8 miler, …