Favorite Gym Myths

It’s that time of year again – not Christmas, sillies – the time where every magazine comes out with their favorite countdown lists from the previous year! One of my faves (at least for today) is the top ten worst fitness myths. These babies definitely seem to persist year after year, even among those who …

Depressing Research: Cherry Jelly Beans Cheaper than Actual Cherries

You probably already knew this on some level but this recent study from the University of Washington (Hi Seattle! Hi!!!) backs you up: healthy food is more expensive than gastronomous garbage. Calorie for calorie, junk food is cheaper. Not only that but the price of said junk has stayed the same or dropped while healthy …

Experiment Results! And A New One…

I know you’ve all been waiting with bated breath for the results of my cardio-after-weights experiment, and, on a smaller scale for the results of my one-day caffeine experiment. So here’s the short answer: they worked! Or maybe they didn’t. Humph. This is what we in the business (the statistics business, people) call statistically insignificant. …

You Are What Eats You

The current issue of Newsweek has a fascinating article on that may finally explain why your college roommate could eat a box of Krispy Kremes for breakfast every morning chased by a six-pack of coke and still look like Kate Moss while you, at the merest lick of a Krispy Kreme would gain ten pounds. …