Finding your happiness: The problem with dieting to get skinny, running to win and working only for money

“You see my happy shirt?” The little girl’s insistent face pressed nearly up to mine before I noticed her, so enthralled I was with  the book I was reading tonight at the library. Truth to be told I didn’t notice her shirt at all, at first, but rather her halo of little cornrow braids with …

Quiz Time! How Much Does Music Affect You? [Study Says Pharrell Does Not Make Everyone Happy After All]

 I have SO done this. I’m not too proud to admit this: I cried all the way through Anne Hathaway’s solo as the cursed Fantine in Les Miserable. And not just a few sniffles – I sobbed. And sang along. And sobbed harder. It was the ugliest of ugly cries. I would have been mortified …

After Someone Stole My Photo And Used It For Thinspiration I Decided To Take It Back And Make My Own (Not)Fitspo

About a month ago I got a sweet note from my little bro, who is on the Internet so much he’d have a fiber optic cable attached to his brain Matrix-style… if that weren’t so low-tech. (I think his brain might actually be The Cloud. Shh.) Anyhow. “Uh, Shosh?” he wrote me. (Yes, Shosh is …

Whiny Whiny Girls, Gym Edition [When Workouts Go Meh]

It’s called the “bend-over pull through” but surely it deserves a better name than that! Help me out in the comments? So many questions but I’ll start here: Where did they find a fitness model who could do this move with a straight face? Today’s lesson: If an exercise move involves the danger of castration it’s …