The Importance of a Good Water Filter: What I Learned From The Colorado Floods [$100 Giveaway!]

Despite living in some disaster-prone places in my life (looking at you Seattle and your SIX* active volcanoes within eyesight), I’ve been fortunate to have avoided major catastrophe. I was in Seattle for their big earthquake in 2002 but other than getting a little nauseated from watching the pavement literally roll in front of me, …

Today I Earned My “I Survived the Great Colorado Floods” T-Shirt! [Sometimes it takes a little bit of bad to make you remember the huge amount of wonderful!]

Jelly Bean and I drove on this road this morning. Right over this spot.  Don’t worry, the news reported that everyone made it out alive and with only minor injuries. Phew. And now it’s gone. Sure it was raining – and raining harder than it had in 500 years* – but I thought it would …