This is how NOT to talk to women about our bodies [new video claims to debunk the thigh gap, is full of stupid]

In an art house, hermetically sealed both from germs and the passage of time, this conversation happened: “Yo, did you see the thigh-gap on that chick last night?” “The what?” “The big space between her legs! It’s the must-have accessory of the year. All the girls want one.” “That’s weird.” “Yeah, I kind of thought …

What We Say to Girls* Matters [New study shows what telling a girl she’s “fat” really does]

Jelly Bean (r) and friends know they are working it.  90210 wasn’t really my jam. (Sure Luke Perry was cute and all but Jordan Catalano stole my flannel-shirt-wrapped heart on My So-Called Life. I’m a monogamous TV dater.) So Tori Spelling has never been one of those actresses I’ve had strong feelings about one way …

Getting Territorial About Food: The Problem With “Can I Just Have One Bite?” [Help a reader out]

“Ooh, that looks good! Can I have a few bites?” These words sparked the one and only time in my marriage I nearly punched my husband out. I wish I were exaggerating but it was in the depths of my eating disorder and I’d spent all day being “good” and counting every calorie and this dish was …

This is What’s Wrong With How We Talk About Eating Disorders

Click to enlarge Happy NEDA week, everyone! This week – February 23 to March, 1 2014 – is National Eating Disorders Awareness week and I’ll admit that I wasn’t going to post about it at first. Mostly because I feel like I write so much about eating disorders on this blog that it’s kind of …

What the Controversy Over the “Skeletal” Winner of The Biggest Loser Says About Her – And Even More About Us

Early this morning whilst my children were whizzing all over the floor in the area of the toilet and I was still snuggled under the covers checking the weather (-7! It’s like Minnesota misses me and followed me all the way here! Aw!), the internets were all atwitter with shock surrounding The Biggest Loser’s latest …

Reader Question: How do I Tell My Boyfriend I’m Depressed? [11 Tips for Telling a Loved One About Your Mental Illness]

 Now all is sunshine and roses, er, dead corn husks and pumpkins (because that says total romance, right?) Puking with the flu, two weeks overdue pregnant, shaking on the floor with a panic attack, accusing him of stealing my pants and purse as I came out of anesthesia, both pre- and post- op, crying while …

“You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone!” Signed, Your Period [All about amenorrhea]

Do you remember the day you got your first period? Of course you do! (Unless you’re a dude and then take a hall pass and excuse yourself for the day. You’re welcome.) Because it was like the biggest deal ever when we were kids! I blame that on not being able to drive, date or …

“I Like A Girl Who Eats” [When is a hamburger not a hamburger? When I’m arguing with it.]

“Oh it’s not about the hamburger, buddy! Don’t you “just hamburger” me! That is just a hamburger like Elmo is just a furry toy with a stick up its butt! These things, they mean… other things! (And lead to lawsuits, in the case of Elmo.)” My breathing got faster as my hands tightened into fists. …

Do You Speak Diet? How Did “Eating Healthy” Become How Women Bond? [The first reader e-mail I couldn’t answer.]

E-mail is one of the central fixtures of my day. This is partly because I’m a child of the 90’s and I still can’t get over how freaking amazing this whole Internet thing is. (For those of you who’ve never known a world without it you can’t imagine how bleak things were – I actually …

Is The Furor Over This Yogurt Ad Justified?

Oh how I love Natalie Dee! Expensive little non-eco-friendly cups of skim dairy, artificial sweeteners and fruit of dubious origin – I have little love for conventional yogurt.  With all the great health benefits of full-fat plain yogurt that is not only super cheap but super easy to make at home in your crockpot, I …