Dear Kirstie Alley: Why Fat Shaming Doesn’t Work, Even on Yourself [“I’m fat but at least I’m not circus fat”]

Dear Kirstie Alley, I got your press release about how you’re going back to your first diet love, Jenny Craig. (I really appreciated the personal touch of including the pictures of all your diet products. Apparently JC will now be carrying your line of diet drinks in their stores so, um, way to play it …

Did A Low-Carb Diet Really Improve My Nearsightedness? [Plus: 7 ways to improve your diet that will improve your vision]

Best eye makeup EVER.  Wait, that sign has words?? My whole world view was rocked one day in 5th grade when my parents took me to get my eyes checked. It turned out that not only was I near-sighted but I was so near-sighted that the fact that signs contain actual words and not just blurry …

The Healthy Food That Made Me Sick and the Junk Food That Made Me Feel Better [Can You Use Diet to Cure Depression?]

Can you spot the superfood in this picture? Look closely! Trust me, it’s pretty darn super. Vomit. That’s what you get when you combine two tasty “superfoods” in excess and swallow. By now I should know that anything – from kale juice to Kanye West – taken in excess makes me barf. And yet, there’s …

Icy Showers, Shiver Walks and Sleeping Nude: The New Cold Therapies to Help You Lose Weight [The Fitness Experiment I Would Never Try. Would you do it??]

And yes, you can own this shower curtain! They sell everything on Etsy! Indoor plumbing may be the single best advancement in the history of mankind. In the past, unless you were lucky enough to live in a bathwater climate like Hawaii, bathing, washing or drinking often meant hacking a hole in the ice first. …

Brace Yourselves Ladies: The Girdle is Making a Comeback… Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Eating, sitting and pooping are generally considered life skills and yet I spent a portion of today – Easter Sunday, one of the High Food Holidays, no less – unable to do any of the above. The problem started, as it often does with me, with a mystery package dropped on my doorstep by the …