I Don’t Know How I Feel About the #NoMakeupSelfie Trend [Cancer “awareness” scam or beautiful reality check?]

Yep, I tried it! Snapped this selfie fresh out of the shower and still with my post-workout hair. No makeup, no filters. No cancer either… that I know of. On the scale of Things That Irritate Me, “cancer awareness” is pretty close to the top. That phrase ranks right above people who lick their fingers …

The More You Use Your Cell Phone, The Less Fit You Are? [4 reasons smart phones aren’t so smart]

 This can’t be real, right? I mean, wouldn’t a rotary phone need to be connected to a wire?? P.S. I totally remember using rotary phones when I was kid. I’m that old. I also had a pager in college. I’m that cool. Mexico overtook the US as the fattest nation on the planet. Scientists finally …