Reader Question: How do I Tell My Boyfriend I’m Depressed? [11 Tips for Telling a Loved One About Your Mental Illness]

 Now all is sunshine and roses, er, dead corn husks and pumpkins (because that says total romance, right?) Puking with the flu, two weeks overdue pregnant, shaking on the floor with a panic attack, accusing him of stealing my pants and purse as I came out of anesthesia, both pre- and post- op, crying while …

The Healthy Food That Made Me Sick and the Junk Food That Made Me Feel Better [Can You Use Diet to Cure Depression?]

Can you spot the superfood in this picture? Look closely! Trust me, it’s pretty darn super. Vomit. That’s what you get when you combine two tasty “superfoods” in excess and swallow. By now I should know that anything – from kale juice to Kanye West – taken in excess makes me barf. And yet, there’s …

There Are Two Kinds of Panic Attacks – So Why Do We Only Talk About One? [Plus: Curing anxiety with probiotics!]

Being too cheap to pay bus fare for four kiddos, every day I have to camp out at the bottom of the grand staircase of their school and try to collect them as they scamper down in the crush of students. It’s like playing Plinko crossed with Whack-a-Mole. But this particular day it was all …

Exercise Did Not Cure My Mood Disorder(s) and I Feel a Little Ripped Off [Medication Nation]

I am so totally a trendsetter, you guys. At least according to the CDC – the arbiter of all things cool, right? Being a long-standing citizen of Medication Nation, I was very interested in their latest numbers on how much Americans love our pills. Two fun trends have emerged over the past decade: 1. According …

The Great Drug Dilemma: Is it time to stop taking my anti-depressant meds? [FDA recalls fake meds after telling depressed patients it is all in our heads for five years]

This weekend was surprisingly calm considering it’s my annual ride on the Cray-Cray Carousel, i.e. the time of year when all my prescription medications need renewal and so I go round and round with the powers that be who like to make this process as painful, expensive and drawn out as possible in order to …