Exercise Did Not Cure My Mood Disorder(s) and I Feel a Little Ripped Off [Medication Nation]

I am so totally a trendsetter, you guys. At least according to the CDC – the arbiter of all things cool, right? Being a long-standing citizen of Medication Nation, I was very interested in their latest numbers on how much Americans love our pills. Two fun trends have emerged over the past decade: 1. According …

The Great Drug Dilemma: Is it time to stop taking my anti-depressant meds? [FDA recalls fake meds after telling depressed patients it is all in our heads for five years]

This weekend was surprisingly calm considering it’s my annual ride on the Cray-Cray Carousel, i.e. the time of year when all my prescription medications need renewal and so I go round and round with the powers that be who like to make this process as painful, expensive and drawn out as possible in order to …