Have You Ever Been “Gaslighted”? Why You Don’t Get To Call Me Crazy [My Emotional Freedom Manifesto]

You are crazy. He said it so many times I believed him. I had to. It was the only explanation that made sense. The alternative – that he was a charismatic psychopath hell-bent on destroying me – was too terrifying to be considered. And so I believed him when he told me that I was …

The Cure For Not Being Good Enough [What Makes You Beautiful?]

I dread the day when this sweet little girl looks in the mirror and sees anything but a gorgeous miracle.  There comes a day in every girl’s life when she realizes that she is not the prettiest princess in the room. I’m not sure exactly when that day was for me but I know I …

Confession: The Most Painful Thing About Being a Mom [Living a life with an open heart]

Who are you?  The moment you first see your baby is supposed to be one of the most beautiful of your whole life. It’s supposed to make you forget all the pain you endured, be grateful for the sacrifice, make it all worth it. You’re supposed to fall in love, right there in that strange …

A Baby Named Hope: How a Child I Never Had Helped Me Love the Ones I Did [Operation Give a Little: Give a listening ear and Give a public accolade]

“I almost lost my son, once,” she tossed it out, as if she were saying something as casual as how’s the weather out there or socks are buy-one-get-one-free today. But the way she looked at me, darting glances away from her cash register, made me realize that it was meaningful to her. And how could it not be? As …

That Time I Tried To Help Someone And Ended Up Totally Insulting Them [Operation Give a Little Days 3 and 4: Give a helping hand, give up your parking spot or place in line!]

This little guy in the middle would be me: Trying hard but getting it all mixed up – but still throwing some stellar JAZZ HANDS! Jazz hands make everything better.  “Aiieeee!” There was a shout and loud clatter as a woman nearby us in the parking lot of the hardware store watched all of her …

What Do Chest Pains During Exercise Mean?: My Most Humiliating Medical Moment EVER. [Topless Treadmill Running]

 This is totally true. Scares the everloving crap out of me.  Topless treadmill running has never been on my fitness bucket list but then neither was being a pro NFL cheeleader for a day or doing crunches on an underwater produce scale in an ice-cold pool for half an hour and I ended up doing …

I Had My Own “Touching Strangers” Moment! What would you do if a strange woman cupped your face in her hands?

 (c) Richard Renaldi “Oh, it hurts.” At first read you might imagine the woman – a stranger in all senses – grasping her chest (or arm or foot), wincing at the embarrassment of Pain in Public. On second read you might imagine the woman saying it in dismay, as if she were the cause of …

Laugh Hard; Hug Harder: 9.5 Things I Learned From My Friend’s Death

 This is from a Shape photoshoot for an article on corrective exercises. Steve did NOT want to do this. Him: Does this angle make me look short? Me: Yep. Him: You know I hate these machines and would never stick a client on one, right? Me: Yep. Him: Do I still have to be in …

Does Learning to Love Flawed People Mean Forgiving Them Too? [The Lesson of the Granny Panties!]

Granny panties, size XL, beige, used. They’d arrived in a plain brown envelope accompanied by a single tea towel dated to the ’70′s by the brown mushrooms that covered it. This was hardly what a girl dreams of getting for her all-important 12th birthday and yet there it was. But the worst part wasn’t the suspicious stains …

5 Reasons Why Life Isn’t Fair [You try explaining the Syrian crisis to a first grader. No, seriously, please try. I need help.]

Admit it, you’re going to sing this song this way from now on. It’s so much better. A scream: It’s not fair! A surrender, a sigh: It’s not fair. A realization: It’s not fair… A cry: It. is. not. fair! A complaint: It’s not faaaaiiiir. An apology: It’s not fair. A prayer; a whisper or a wail: …