Should Gyms Even Have Dress Codes? Planet Fitness Strikes Again, Booting Pregnant Lady for Too-Small Top

Earlier this week a pregnant woman was booted from a gym for not sufficiently covering up her bump. Planet Fitness’s bizarro dress code strikes again! The gym manager asked her to leave since her tiny tot-tent was ever-so-slightly showing thanks to a tank top that was riding up and was therefore in violation of the …

Getting Territorial About Food: The Problem With “Can I Just Have One Bite?” [Help a reader out]

“Ooh, that looks good! Can I have a few bites?” These words sparked the one and only time in my marriage I nearly punched my husband out. I wish I were exaggerating but it was in the depths of my eating disorder and I’d spent all day being “good” and counting every calorie and this dish was …

What Are Ancient Grains and Should You Be Eating Them? [Angelina Jolie’s Birdseed Diet]

Do you think Angelina Jolie poops a lot? I don’t normally think of the toothy actress much but the past few days I’ve spent a lot of time wondering about her and her dietary habits, especially as I’ve been spending a lot of time on the potty thanks to her. Constipation is very rarely an …

Got Muscles and Proud of It? Barbell Denim Debuts Jeans Made Specifically For Athletes and Our Muscular Legs!

  I’m sure these were the prototype. Remember that time I ripped the crotch out of my jeans when my muscular thighs Incredible-Hulked my wussy J.Crew’s? Good times! You may remember I finally found a pair of stretch denim jeans in a curvy fit that didn’t make my thighs feel like sausages on sale, bought …

Life Lessons From the Yoga Mat: You Have to Look Up to Lift Up [New study says if you want to be happy go dancing but skip the gym?]

Face down on my yoga mat is my least favorite position. Mostly because I never remember to wash the thing and it does a really good job as a “sticky mat” as evidenced by all the little flakes of my skin all over it. (Side note: If I ever go missing, use my yoga mat …

New Study Shows Teen Girls See Sexual Violence As Normal; Game of Thrones Shows Why [Spoiler Alert]

Caption: She was on her own, so I made my move… and told the guys hassling her to back off. They were really crossing the line. (Taken from the ad campaign Make Your Move! in response to Missoula being named the “rape capital of the US”. It’s definitely an interesting twist, I think!) “They grab …

Our Community Garden Adventure: How to Garden When You Don’t Have Room For a Garden

 Look at me doing my best farmer impression! It only occurred to me after we snapped the pic that the piece of hay in my mouth was laying on top of manure three seconds earlier. But hey, maybe I’ll start a new prebiotic trend: eating poo!  There are a lot of differences between Minnesota and …

The Things We Do Not Say: Talking About the Unspeakable

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything” Something happened this weekend. It was heart-rending and immense and the repercussions will reverberate for a long time. And all weekend I’ve been trying to figure out how to write about it, because that’s how I deal with stuff. But I can’t. For …

Only in the Gym: The Ridiculous Things You Can Say Only While Wearing Spandex

“Wow, you’ve got a perfect snatch!” Yes, those words actually left my lips the other day. I was helping a friend with her kettlebell moves and that was it, I swear. Before we both busted out laughing, all I could think was only in the gym.  I don’t know if it’s the relative lack of clothing or …

The Modern Woman’s Dilemma: Do You Get Workout Guilt? “I Used to Feel Guilty If I Didn’t Work Out… Now I Feel Guilty if I Do”

“Leaving so soon?” asked one of the personal trainers as my friend and I were leaving the gym the other morning. “Um, we’ve been here for an hour,” I shrugged apologetically although I really had no idea what I had to be sorry for. “Really?” he cocked an eyebrow. “Then you must not have been …