The 1 Tiny Meal Hack That Will Change the Way You Eat [More veggies! More satiety! More cow eyeballs!]

Confession #1: I once wrote a review about Paula Druckerman’s much-maligned parenting book Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting (aff) after having skimmed it in a hour. I was on a super tight deadline and because of some snow storm my overnight-ed copy didn’t come overnight and… oh, enough excuses. While I …

Choosing Happiness: 10 Tips for Learning Optimism (From a girl who’d knock the glass over before she’d admit it’s half full)

“You’re insanely cheerful for someone who has been crapped on by life way more than most people.” The other day I got this text from a friend and I have to say it is one of the nicest compliments anyone’s ever given me. First it invokes my insanity, which we all know and love. Second, …

Confession of a Failed Vegetarian [And of a failed dieter in general]

“No baby animals were harmed in the making of this salt.” – Natalie Dee   Slightly panicked phone calls are my favorite kind. It usually means that something interesting is about to happen and this time was no different. “So!” my friend announced as soon as I said “Hi?” (It always comes out like a question …

Six Ways to Soup Up Your Soup [What’s Your Cold Weather Comfort Food?]

Moving from Seattle to Minnesota has changed me in so many ways. Some are for the good: I no longer think any stranger who says “Hi” to me on the street is a homeless person who is half a second from asking me for money. Some are not as good: I’ve gotten lazy about opening …

Anatomy of a Worry: 15 Things to do When You Can’t Do Anything [Rap music may be involved. And a giveaway!]

Got some bad news tonight. Of course I can’t talk about it (I don’t tell other people’s problems on this blog unless they ask me to!). And of course it’s driving me nuts. They’re hurting. A lot. I’m hurting for them. There’s nothing I can do to help. (Ha! I’m vague-booking! I’m even annoying myself.) …

Whiny Whiny Girls, Gym Edition [When Workouts Go Meh]

It’s called the “bend-over pull through” but surely it deserves a better name than that! Help me out in the comments? So many questions but I’ll start here: Where did they find a fitness model who could do this move with a straight face? Today’s lesson: If an exercise move involves the danger of castration it’s …

Night Carbs, Night Waking, Night Fasting: New Research Covers Everything About Bedtime Except Night Swimming*

Hey kids! Do you like number crunching? Manipulating other people like marionettes? Watching people do intimate things when they think they’re alone and recording them? And then telling the whole world about it? If so, then human research is the job for you! But seriously, this new crop of health research is all about what …

Fitness Etiquette: Is it okay to show off while working out?

I’m just gonna call it: This is bad showing off, on both their parts. And I do mean “parts” literally. In my new quest to become the Emily Post of Fitness (which would be totally awesome because then I’d basically just get to make up arbitrary rules and use the power of social disapproval to …

My PV Body Recant [Plus: The Most Inspiring Fitness People and Stories for 2013!]

Oy. Where to start? Remember my review of the new company PV Body? It’s a company that for a monthly subscription fee sends you name-brand fitness clothes for a bargain price. At least that’s what they said they would do. My first experience with them – the one I blogged about – was fab. I …

Who Are You? The Art of Navel Gazing and the Science of People Watching [Giveaway!]

Wait a minute – that’s not where my navel is! Better keep looking… Navel gazing is kinda my thing. Not literally – trust me, after having 5 kids, not even I want to look at the stretched-out half-innie half-outie cross between a Cabbage Patch doll and a water balloon protuberance on my stomach. (Although, weirdly, …