Neurokineseology and Fitness: 2 week mini-Experiment withT-Tapp (Giveaway!)

 See? Turtleneck leotards make her very happy. I want to be this happy. Except maybe with shoes on. That grass looks pokey.  Do you like calisthenics? Jazz hands? Turtleneck leotards?? Then you will definitely want to get in on this mini-Experiment! For the next two weeks the Gym Buddies and I are going to be …

Running Naked and My First-Ever Censored Post! (Giveaway!)

Fall is perfect outdoor weather and my favorite season to run in. There’s nothing like the crisp air, the colorful leaves and the sunshine to really make you move! But just like every other season it can take some wardrobe adjustments as you move from as-little-as-decency-allows to layer city. Do you like really unique and …

Does Your Body Have a Set Point For Exercise? [Duelling Research]

Just when you thought it was safe to retrieve the forks and knives you hid during the “Are white potatoes a nutritious natural food or glycemic index hell tuber?” debate, scientists have given us another research study that brings up more questions than it answers.  And this time it’s about your “activitystat”, questioning whether or …

What’s Your Definition of Beauty? [Finding the balance in caring too much and too little]

I find beauty in strength: This is an outtake from pics for another post (coming soon!) and while nothing is right about my pose – my son snapped the pic too soon – everything is right about my shoulder and arm! Good golly I worked hard for those delts and biceps! They are beautiful to me …

The Part of Intuitive Eating I Most Struggle With [Advice, please?]

Betrayed by My Body: The overly dramatic saga continues! First I sneeze upside down and blow chunks (thank you to all of you who suggested using my neti pot to help get the stomach bile out of my sinuses – it is a fab idea and I’ll save it for next time although I sincerely …

What Was Your Best Halloween Costume Ever? [Plus: 20 Fitness Inspired Halloween Costumes]

I wish this were me but unfortunately I couldn’t find any pics of my gold statue costume, despite looking through every single picture I took in college. (It didn’t take long. I lived in the days before digital cameras and when you’re using film that takes a week to get developed, well, I have about …

Why This Grain-Eating Girl Loves The Primal Blueprint [The nutrition question I still can’t answer]

I was a modern vegetarian runner, he was a paleolithic meat-loving functional exerciser – when we first met, we could not have been more different. Paleo/Primal style eating now has quite a few different flavors now but five years ago, it was new and with its exclusion of all grains, was also quite controversial. Whether …

The Grossest Thing That Has Ever Happened to Me at the Gym [Badly Illustrated]

No Gym Buddies, no classes, no Experiments (we do NROLFW on M, W, F) – this morning at the gym I was left to my own devices. This happens to me so rarely that when it does I get a little giddy. What would I do if I could workout any way I wanted to? …

Should You Workout With Those You Work With? 5 Tips for Exercising With Coworkers

This would be an example of what not to wear. Naked is not good but Hannibal Lecter couture is way worse.  Judging from advice columnists and The Apprentice, working with your coworkers is tricky enough (Who knew clipping your toenails in your cube is the modern-day equivalent of lancing your Black Plague boils over the …