Confessions of a Cardioholic [My Life as a Cautionary Tale, Part 625]

This image was titled “What Not to do in an Earthquake.” Good advice. What do I live for if not to be the poster girl for What Not To Do? In March, I was Fitness Magazine’s freakshow of the month in an article by Jessica Girdwain titled “Confessions of a Cardioholic.” You’d think after being …

Core Performance: April’s Great Fitness Experiment and March’s Results (Giveaway Post!!)

Embarrassment: My armpits are hairy. Part of it is because I am porcelain pale (that’s the nice person way of saying my friends call me Casper) with raven hair and while that sounds like a winning combo in romance novels, it’s more about 5 o’clock shadows – on my legs – in real life. But …