The Great Fertility Experiment

As some of you surmised from the comments on yesterday’s post, changes are afoot here at The Great Fitness Experiment and not just of the Jillian Michaels-inspired variety. I wasn’t quite ready to blog about this yet but due to a comment I left on my friend KatieO’s site (she of the fabulous Sister Skinny) and the fact that we share some readers, the cat is out of the bag.

I’m pregnant!

For the sixth time. I know, even typing that makes me feel like a breed mare (brood mare? Bag Lady? Anyone??). One miscarriage, one daughter who died at birth, three sons and now this little jelly bean have taken me down a road I hadn’t anticipated but nevertheless love. My husband and I decided early on we wanted four kids, we just didn’t realize how much work it would take to get them here! Due to family circumstances and a dubious genetic history, we decided that we’d best accomplish that while I’m still young and, heck, while we still have all the diaper supplies scattered on the floor in every room in the house.

I imagine you have questions (or I have an inflated sense of my own importance – either could be true.) Here are my best answers:

Q: How far along are you?
A: I’m 9 weeks, so just barely pregnant. I’m due November 6th although if my doctors have any mercy they’ll remember I have 10 pound babies and induce me a week or two early. I detest Halloween (sorry!) more than any holiday so I’ll do my best to not birth my child on that day.

Q: Why didn’t you tell us sooner?
A: You mean as soon as the stick turned pink? Well, I’ve had a “chemical pregnancy” (one where the test shows positive but then there’s no actual pregnancy) before and so I wanted to confirm it with the doctor via ultrasound before making any grand announcements. I just had that appointment less than a week ago and miracle of miracles there was a little heartbeat and all is good! Besides, even though this pregnancy was planned, I’d be lying if I said I’m not still reeling from the news and trying to process it and all the consequences. Four kids (under 7!) are a lot of kids.

Q: I feel betrayed.
A: I’m sorry. But my grandmother doesn’t even know yet. (Hi Nana!)

Q: But you’re a chronic over-sharer!
A: Pregnancy makes me rational?

Q: Hey, I’m asking the questions here! Anyhow, what about this weight gain you were complaining about as recently as yesterday? As Readers Stephanie and bjbella5 said in my comments, “you really lost your credibility with me if you are complaining about pregnancy weight.”
A: Oh don’t worry, I’ll have plenty to say about my pregnancy weight gain (and yes probably half of it will be hysterical) but I haven’t said it yet! The 14 pounds I mentioned in my Jillian blog were firmly in place – on my upper thighs, hips and butt specifically – before I ever peed on a stick. I gained 10 of the pounds in June of last year during the overtraining debacle and have added the extra 3-4 in the intervening months for reasons I can only chalk up to the universe hating me or, possibly, a hormonal imbalance. Which isn’t to say I haven’t gained weight this pregnancy; I’m only 9 weeks along and normally am losing weight from puking at this point but for some reason have actually put on about 3 more pounds. KatieO and I were chatting about that on Facebook and my comment on her site was in reference to that conversation.
Q: You’re not going to try and lose the weight right now are you?
A: Good heavens no. If you will notice, I was very careful in my review of Jillian’s book and in my announcement of April’s GFE to not say I would be using either program to lose weight. Nope, I won’t diet while I’m pregnant. Jelly Bean is getting plenty of jelly beans.

Q: What does this mean for The Great Fitness Experiment?
A: Honestly, I don’t know. With my previous pregnancy I worked out right up to the day of delivery (go Turbokick!). I felt great the whole time and even ran until about 8 months along at which point my bladder rebelled and my 3rd son decided that jumping jacks on my cervix were his new favorite pastime. So anyhow, my current plan is to keep working out just as I always have – although making modifications for comfort if I need to – unless something happens to prevent that. So far, despite having to vomit at the gym twice, I haven’t missed a single workout. But if prior experience has taught me anything, pregnancy is unpredictable at best.

I actually think this will be a really great opportunity to share with people how fitness in a normal pregnancy works. There are a lot of old myths out there (“Don’t let your heartrate get above 140!” “Pregnant women can’t lift weights!” “Don’t lift your arms over your head or your baby will get tangled in his umbilical cord!”) that scare pregnant women away from activities that can not only help them have an easier pregnancy but a quicker delivery and faster recovery. I’m sure I’ll blog more about this in the future if you want more details.

It’s also a serendipitous coincidence that not only do you have me – very much still in the first trimester – but there’s also Gym Buddy Allison in her second tri and Gym Buddy Megan who is in her third tri (one month ’till baby day!) so you can get not only my perspective but theirs as well. And you know they’re less crazy than I am.

Q: How are you feeling?
A: Well thank you for asking! Basically I feel like the crap filling in a crap sandwich on a bed of crap salad. I have to take a nap every day now and I puke. A lot. A lot a lot. But not so much it’s affecting my weight so no worries. For those of you concerned that I’m working out while feeling like crap, the thing is I feel exhausted and nauseous whether I’m at the gym or at home so I might as well get my workout in. (And the aweseome child care!) And strangely, a nice bout of cardio actually helps with my nausea! That and understanding Gym Buddies who don’t even blink when I lay down on the stretching mats for 30 mintues and still call it “stretching.” I’m also very fortunate to have a wonderfully supportive husband and kids who help out a lot at home.
Q: I hate pregnancy. I hate reading about pregnancy. I hate listening to women natter on about pregnancy. Is this going to turn into a big pregnancy website?
A: It hasn’t yet, has it? I plan to blog on my same mix of topics although yes, periodically, there will be updates and so forth. Probably stupid comments from strangers too – I seem to be a magnet for those when my pregnancy starts to show. (My all time favorite was a woman at Costco, staring at my two elder boys and my very pregnant stomach: “Oh dear! Do they all have the same father??” If you have a good answer to that one, let me know in the comments!)

So there you have it! I hope I’ve answered all your questions. If not, hit me up in the comments! Thanks for all your support and understanding in this:)
Credit for all newborn photos: Thierry Bouet


  1. hooray! congrats Charlotte!! πŸ™‚

  2. Congratulations!!! Very exciting news, and I love babies — and those pictures you included are adorable and hilarious. Can’t wait to follow you through your pregnancy!

  3. WOW Charlotte! Congrats! I feel like I am always the last know things around the gym! It must be in the water…NO not me, but know lots of fellow workouters that are! Congrats!!

  4. Mega Congratulations!!!! :)))

  5. Good thing you have Gym Buddy Krista to keep all those hormones in check during all this πŸ˜‰ God knows she won’t be drinking the water at the Y!

  6. “Basically I feel like the crap filling in a crap sandwich on a bed of crap salad.”

    that really did make me laugh out loud. I know the craptacular feeling well!

    and of course, Congratulations!!!

  7. Congratulations!!! I hope you feel better soon!

    I want to clarify that I said “She would have zero cred if it was prego weight she was commenting on” because I NEVER thought you would try to loose weight while pregnant.

    But sticking my foot in my mouth is my #2 talent, so my apologies if it came across the wrong way.

  8. CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  9. Congratulations!!! That’s wonderful πŸ™‚

  10. Congrats!! And even though my own visits to the gym are sadly few and far between, I understand about going even though you feel so yucky. When I was prego w/ #3 the few times that I actually went and worked out, the nausea was definitely better. I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad…nausea has got to be one of the worse feelings…maybe it’s a girl?? πŸ˜‰

  11. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was that enough emphasis for you? You can insert the image of streamers and party horns here.

  12. Herbalife Las Vegas


  13. I think the phrase “woo hoo” might well be applied at this stage. Possible with a couple of great big exclamation points. Like these!!

  14. Dear Charlotte,
    Congratulations!! I’m so excited for you- not just because I’m looking forward to reading your future posts, but also because I really think Jelly Bean will be a gift to the world. You are supermom, after all.
    Good luck with everything!

  15. CONGRATULATIONS! Am super excited and happy for you πŸ™‚

    Am really looking forward to hearing about how the pregnancy goes for you. Hope that you’re feeling less crappy soon!

    When a lady in church commented on how my sister was a brunette and I’m a blonde (when I was just a toddler), my mum responded with, “well you know, the milk man, the mail man!” To which the lady was pretty horrified. I advise against that kind of response in a religious setting if someone comments like that on your children πŸ˜‰

  16. Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations! Is that 140 heart rate thing really a myth?! I am now 20 weeks pregnant and worrying about my heart rate (and over heating) totally ruined my early pregnancy work outs to the extent that I stopped spinning altogether because it was just now fun. I miss spinning!

  18. Congratulations!!
    Best of luck, not that you need it.

  19. Im saying it again:


  20. Jonesing for my kiddo's

    Congrats Char!!! So exciting!!

  21. congratulations! i am excited to read more about your pregnancy even if it doesn’t become a primary focus.

    and, GREAT newborn pix — they look FRESHLY born with their fat little faces and confused looks.

  22. Congrats!! Exciting news!

  23. Congratulations, that is indeed exciting news!!!

    And I’d say any blog reader who finds themselves “betrayed” at not being notified of important developments in your personal life the moment you find out about them has some entitlement issues!

    Hope you feel better soon; that crap sandwich description was hilarious but couldn’t be too pleasant to actually experience.

  24. Congrate Charlotte!! It will be interesting to read about any wisdom you can impart on us about exercise and fitness during pregnancy.

  25. dragonmamma/naomi

    Alright, we get to bombard you with unwanted advise and stupid comments for the next eight months. Lotsa fun and entertainment potential! Congratulations.

    By the way, what’s wrong with Halloween? That’s my FAVORITE holiday of the year!

  26. Charlotte – wonderful news – congratulations!

    As to the lady in Costco? The proper response would have been a slightly confused look, and “The same father as who?”

  27. When I worked at a consignment shop a lady my co-workers knew came in with her newborn twins. We brought the twins behind the counter so we could hold them without leaving the register unmanned. A customer came up to the counter and said to me, “Oh my gosh, they’re not yours are they??”
    People are dumb… Anyway, thanks for sharing the great news. Best of luck to your beautiful family.

  28. Congratu-friggin-lations, Charlotte! That’s beautiful news! I can’t wait to hear how things are and learn (even more) from you.

  29. Congratulations!

    I know a woman who was having multiples. One of the baby shower gifts was a leash for each child (she didn’t use them).

  30. Congratulations! I just discovered your blog via MizFit. I can’t wait to read more….pregnancy posts included. πŸ™‚

  31. SOOOOOOO happy for you! Looking forward to reading any and every post!

  32. Delurking to say Congratulations!! That is so awesome – I think you are right that this could be a great way to help preggos everywhere learn what is and what is not true about fitness during pregnancy. You and your jellybean rock! πŸ™‚

  33. Congratulations!!!! I absolutely love babies and pregnant people (because they lead to babies), so I’m excited to follow you along. I hope you feel better and don’t have too much of the pukies. πŸ™‚

  34. Congrats Charlotte! That’s great news! I’ll be eagerly following your progress and how you manage to combine the pregnancy with your exercise. I feel like the world is due for some refreshing new ideas on that.

  35. congratulations! We’re hoping for a new little bundle at home soon, and I actually just put the “Exercise During Pregnancy” book on hold at the library (you had mentioned it in a previous post). I hope the next 8 months are happy and healthy!

  36. Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter)

    I was beginning to wonder yesterday after reading through your comments. So happy for you – SO HAPPY, and I can’t wait to follow you on this journey. Chris and I are talking kids, and it scares me to death. I need all the encouragement I can get.

    Again, CONGRATS!
    Love, Heather

  37. Congratulations Charlotte and the response to the woman who asked about the same father, say “I’m not at liberty to say as the federal witness protection program frowns on revealing anything about our past”.

    My wife and I had twins some 19 years ago, a boy and a girl. The question we often got was β€œOh twins, and a boy and a girl, are they identical”?

  38. Wow! Congrats!!! πŸ™‚

  39. To the idiot that asked if they all have the same father just smile sweetly and say, “yes of course but all different mothers.” And then walk away to let them wallow in confusion.


  40. Congratulations Charlotte!

    I’m definitely looking forward to your pregnant posts (even more than I usually do!). I’m at 18 weeks now and I love to hear how other pregnant women deal with serious working out.

  41. Congratulations – what wonderful news!
    I also worked out up until I delivered. It really does make you feel better and the childcare at the gym is a much needed sanity break! I’m sure you will help/educate a lot of people about exercise/pregnancy along the way.

  42. Good for you. I am pregnant with my 6th also, but will have 4 under age 6 after this one is born. Everyone I know thinks I am insane for trying to work out with kids and being preg. I love your blog!

  43. Congratulations! I’ve never been pregnant, and I don’t know if I ever will have children, but I am facinated with the process! I’d love to hear how a fit woman works out, etc. during pregnancy. Bring it on!

  44. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    And if someone else asks if your kids all have the same father, maybe you could say “Yes, but I’m not sure if this one (pats belly) is mine.”

  45. Q: But you’re a chronic over-sharer!
    A: Pregnancy makes me rational?

    I’m still giggling over that one!

    Congratulations! Even though I don’t want children I’m totally fascinated by pregnancy, so it’d be cool to hear about working out while pregnant.

  46. Congratulations!

  47. major congrats charlotte!!!!

  48. I can’t wait to follow your posts as your pregnancy progresses — I did NOT take good care of myself during my pregnancy, and am excited to hear about your preggo workouts.

    And of course congrats!!!

  49. Lethological Gourmet


    And don’t worry about having a Halloween baby! I was born just before Halloween and it ended up being one of my favorite holidays πŸ™‚ And think of it this way…you can celebrate the birthday instead of Halloween!

    I’m looking forward to updates. I don’t get many pregnant women in my classes, but when I do, I find I don’t really know much about how to modify exercises for them, so I’m looking forward to learning more from your experience!

  50. Yay! Babies! Best wishes to you and all your brood : )

    …. response to Costco lady: (maniacal laughter) wipe tears from eyes and say, “nah, but at least I kept it all in the family.”

  51. YAY! Hooray for adding to your family! Will be praying for your health and the baby’s… πŸ™‚

  52. 1000 mazel tovs!!! So exciting πŸ™‚

  53. Congrats! If I only knew then what I now now about exercise my pregnancies would have been much more smooth and losing that post-baby weight easier. Even though my birthing years are behind me I am anxious to hear about yours. BTW – my Mom had 6 kids under the age of 6 and somehow stayed sane (I think).

  54. Congrats! As newbie to your blog, I wish you all the best after reading about your past. You are way more brave than I!!!! I have 3 grown stepchildren & 7 grandchildren but I never did or wanted to do the pregnancy thing myself. In fact, in high school, the kids verbally attacked me for calling it an obligation for some that did not want to have kids. I am 51 so at that time, those thoughts were "evil"!!!

    Anyway, I digress! I wish you all the best! I love your description of your stretching!

  55. As a sometimes commenter, but someone who always reads I wanted to throw my congratulations to the 50 or so already on the pile! What exciting news!!

    And as someone who is both super active and trying to get pregnant I really look forward to the posts you do about exercising while preggers. Thanks for sharing (whether you think it too much or not) your life via this blog, I get so much out of it.

  56. Yay!! Congratulations, Charlotte!

  57. Congrats! πŸ™‚ Although I don’t plan on breeding anytime soon, it would be nice to know what to expect if I do someday since I know I’ll go nuts if I can’t hit the gym for 9 months. So blog away on whatever your heart desires… Yay!

  58. Every Gym's Nightmare

    congrats! thats so exciting! i dont even know what to say!

  59. Yay Charlotte! I’m so glad you fessed up. I already knew, nya, nya! I am so curious to hear how things go with your workouts while we are in synchronous gestation with my due date Nov. 7th (and we finally got our ultrasound and peanut is looking good).

    Sorry about the puking. When you’re ‘stretching’, just think there’s another crazy pregnant lady studying a fitness magazine or hogging the water fountain at a Y in VA and thinking similar thoughts.

    I love it when someone compliments me on how hard I’m working out and I tell them, “actually, I’ve had to scale back a bit since I’m pregnant”. That scaling back doesn’t sit well with me but I try to remember that my body is doing 2 workouts now, one is just 9 months long.

    And the 4 under 7? I have a friend who is pregnant with what will be her 4th 3 and under (and none are multiples)! You get used to what you have to. We just may have to fight with the other mommies to get our kids all signed up for the childcare!

  60. Congrats! I just found the blog, so I don’t feel betrayed. πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to read more about this new journey!

  61. Congratulations!

  62. Such exciting news!

    Congratulations. I think that you’ll be a great voice for women who are smart enough to stay fit during pregnancy.

  63. Congratulations!! : )

  64. Congratulations!!! I wish I would have worked out with my first like I did my second…Instead, I lived with my inlaws and went to our bedroom and ate Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Minatures, gained 70 pounds and ended up having a C-section in a snow storm and thought I was going to die (no, really die)…YUCK!

    With baby #2 I ate right, worked out almost everyday, had a VBAC and it was THE best experience of my life..!!

    Can’t wait to hear what you have to say…Specifically, about the heart rate thing (140?) and how workouts should be adjusted if preggo…

  65. Okay, I’m late to the party but CONGRATS! MAZAL TOV! WOO HOO!

    *picture Gemfit running around her tiny apartment twirling*

    *picture Gemfit bumping into her coffee table for the millionth time and swearing*

    WOO HOO!

  66. Regular Cinderella

    I told you on Saturday, but wanted to drop a note, too. I’m VERY excited for you! Congratulations!

  67. Congratulations! I am the opposite of the question/comment about hating pregnancy blah blah. So if you want to post about nothing but morning sickness and gender guesses you’d have at least 1 reader! But you MUST (!!!) talk about the myths with pregnancy and exercise. I think since exercise is healthy when you’re not pregnant, why could it possibly be bad when you are? (and that 140 bpm? Where did that number come from? Shouldn’t it at least be different for everyone?)


  69. Congratulations!! How exciting!!!

    As for the woman in Costco . . . I’d look at her absolutely straight-faced and say seriously, “Yes. But different mothers.” And then walk away. Ten bucks says the hamster wheel in her brain will be spinning like crazy.

  70. In response to the woman who asked if they have the same father. I would say” hmmm… they all have the same mother and grandmother. πŸ™‚ Of course they all have the same father. I’m too busy being a great wife, mother, daughter, sister (or add a million other titles you qualify for)to deal with anyone else.”

    Love ya baby! MOM

  71. Awwwww, yay! Good for you! πŸ™‚

  72. w00t! Shall we do some cabbage patching? πŸ™‚ Exciting news. I’m thrilled for you and your family…btw, those baby photos are adorable.

  73. Sorry that I’m so late in offering my congratulations, but I’ve been without internet for a while, so catching up with my Reader is a long process!

    I’m thrilled for you! And I’d love to hear about your workouts while pregnant.

    The pics are gorgeous!

  74. I just found your blog, the post is adorable and I will probably be browsing around your other topics and following you. I just found out I’m 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby! It’s kind of scary but exciting. The puking is definitely ruining the moment though… I’ve tried everything! I wish I didn’t have to work while going through this and hope I can quit my job and stay at home sick for 9 months. I’ll be looking forward to using your blog as a resource for my first pregnancy. Thanks!