April’s Real Great Fitness Experiment: Online Personal Training

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Have you ever looked at all the health and fitness information out there and just thrown your hands up in the air and said, “Please, for the love of little green apples, somebody figure it out for me! Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it! I just can’t think about this stuff anymore!!” And truly, what with the state of Zac Efron’s ear wax and whether or not Twilight’s Robert Pattinson showers, aren’t there better things to think about?

Enter a personal trainer. Ideally, these smart folks can not only give you solid health and fitness advice but they can tailor it to your specific needs. But alas not all of us are “Real Housewives” (although I’m pretty sure my housewifery is as real as it gets) and can afford to hire our own Jillian Michaels to kick our butts. Which is where online personal training comes in. You sign up with a trainer over the Internet. You get a workout tailored to your needs and they get the ease of managing their clients over the ‘net. But does it work?

There are a few questions I get asked over and over again on this website and right after “Does X brand diet pill work?” (answer: I don’t know, I don’t take diet pills), one of the most common is “What about online personal training?”

Women’s Health magazine has heard your cries and, coincidentally, for this month is offering one month free of their new online personal training program. Fit Coach will give you as much or as little hand-holding as you desire. You get daily menus, personalized based on your answers to a few questions, and complete with calories and macronutrient breakdowns. They’ll even print you out a shopping list. They will also custom design you a workout based on your age, gender, weight, reported fitness level and your performance on a push-up test – complete with sets, reps, the whole works.

What I Like (So Far)
The plan is as rigid as you want it to be. You can swap or delete foods on the menus and change out exercises or even exercise plans if it’s not working. You can even choose to sign up for just exercise advice or just nutrition advice. For your part, they expect you to report in every day and log what you ate and how you worked out (easy peasy if you stick to their plans) . They also set one day a week for you to weigh in and take your measurements which then display in neat little progress charts all based on your goals.

Another nice feature is that they have entirely different plans for different goals. You can specify whether you’d like to lose weight (and even that is broken down into low-carb “speedy” and higher-carb “mood boosting” plans), get stronger, train for a specific sport, or just maintain. The workouts are also broken down by your goals so you can make them as beginner or as tough as you’d like.

There are other features on the website like chat rooms and bulletin boards and daily health tips that I will check out but don’t plan on using very often. (My whole life is like one long daily health tip thank you very much.) But it’s nice to know those features are available.

What I Don’t Like (So Far)
The website’s not super intuitive. It took a bit of poking around after I signed up to figure out what was where. And while I can’t confirm this yet, I get the feeling that I’m still really dealing with just a computer program and not a real person. I have to say that I’m dubious about the quality of “training” I will receive, although the quantity certainly seems sufficient.

How To Play Along At Home
To sign up, head over to the Fit Coach website, and enter in your basic info. Be warned: you do have to provide a credit card number, even for the free trial. You get the first 30 days free and then they bill your card $45 for the next three months (about the same as Weight Watcher’s online program if I remember correctly) if you don’t remember to cancel. For myself, I already set up an alert on my google calendar AND a reminder to be sent to me via e-mail to cancel on day 29.

I’m excited to see how this all works out. I’ve never had a personal trainer in real life so this is as much control as I’ve ever given someone else over my food & fitness. And I think it might be a good thing to give up some of the control. Besides, the plans that they gave me seemed quite sensible with a calorie count well in the healthy and doable range and workouts that will be well-rounded and still a bit challenging. Some of the Gym Buddies have also agreed to do this with me and seeing as we all have very different goals, it will be interesting to see if the program is succesful for all of us.

So, who’s in with me?

PS> Two things I learned from my little joke yesterday: 1) You all know me way too well! I think SeaBreeze pretty much spoke for everyone when she said “You’re too OCD for this to have been real.” Sigh. She’s right of course. 2) But perhaps hedonism could be it’s own Experiment at some point. I meant it entirely as a joke but some of you pointed out that it might actually be a good idea. Chilerocks astutely observed, “I thought you were going to say you were going to eat anything your kids eat and not get on a scale or write down anything about any workouts all month- just do what feels good- that’d be a good experiment.” I’ll think about it:)


  1. Herbalife Las Vegas

    I’ve had trainers in the past and I love them if you can afford them.
    An online trainer sounds good but I am afraid that unless they are there with me I won’t do it.
    Its worth a try though.

  2. I’m very interested in your opinion of this! Unfortunately, I won’t be joining you. I’m WAY too childish, and this sounds like too much responsibilty for me, lol!

  3. youve stuck a chord in my with this one.
    Ive pondered doing this/being an online trainer so many times.

  4. Hmm, I’ll have to think about it. I need to do SOMETHING different, and I fantasize about a trainer but I’m too cheap (and stubborn and opinionated about what I like and don’t like).

    However, if MizFit had an online training service–sign me the heck up!!!!!

  5. I am interested in hearing how this experiment turns out for you. My interest is piqued, but I doubt I’d do it because I HATE it when other people start telling me what to eat; it’s a surefire way to get me to increase my normally non existent cheesecake consumption. The workout part of it might be interesting though, so I’ll check it out.

  6. I read your first paragraph thinking: Yes! Yes! Yes!

    That’s something I find myself thinking on a regular basis – I just want someone to tell me what it is that I need to do. Tell me the answer, I’m tired of trying to figure it out for myself.

    I’ll be interested to see how this experiment goes.

  7. As a trainer, I totally think this is a good idea: I hate having to turn someone away simply because they cannot afford a trainer (usually I give them my e-mail address and a link to different sites, so that they can get most of the knowledge they want), and I like the idea of being able to send them to a less expensive alternative.

    However, I don’t think I’d ever be comfortable with the idea of “training” people that I never see. Although the thought of having fewer time commitments and more clients is tempting…

  8. I know personal trainers can get good results. Like any exercise program, sustainability is the problem that I’ve seen. It’s like when you have a personal trainer, you are in the eye of the hurricane. Success is measured by how you do when the winds are blowing 🙂

    With the present economic problems, our local P. trainers are having a harder time keeping clients.

  9. I’ve had an online personal trainer before – and I would not do it again. I know others in the same boat – did it, wouldn’t do it again.

    I think you lose out, a lot, by not having the person there beside you. part of the benefit of a trainer is to be there to push and motivate you, to check your form, make sure you are truly pushing hard enough – and so on. I think having contact online is good, but there still has to be some actual in-person contact going on.

    Like anything, it could maybe work for some people, but I think for the vast majority online just isn’t the way to go. It certainly did not work out for me.

    I’d rather pay for one session with a live trainer, rather than have multiple ones with an online one.

  10. Hmmmm…let me think about it. I’ve been doing the 30 day Shred lately and find that I give myself that extra push to make my workout harder, but I have a hard time with authority…especially with my eating, I might be like Jen and bust out the sweets (even though the *concept* sounds great to me).

    I know you Charlotte, whatever workout they tell you to do you will give 200%…I just don’t know if I would do the same…I would like to think I could!

  11. I look forward to seeing how this month’s experiment works out.

    And I think you’d make a great Hedonist if you put your mind to it 🙂

  12. Awesome! I like it. I’ve always wondered about online training, I will definitely be interested how you like it.

    I’m pretty happy with my workouts, but I would love someone taking control of my eating. Maybe. Ok, I would probably HATE it, but it might be what it takes to shed these last 15 lbs!

  13. I agree with Chilerocks– it might be an interesting experiment. Have you done an “Intuitive Eating” one? That book has been floating around the blogosphere on health/fitness sites and you could combine it with Intuitive Exercise (I think I just coined that phrase!)… aka doing what feels good/right/natural/whatever each day.

  14. I just KNOW I’d forget to cancel- so I’m not going to. Although it sounds really interesting! very intriguing and am looking forward to seeing how it works.

  15. “For the love of little green apples” is my new catchphrase.

  16. Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter)

    Hmm, the Fit Coach thing sounds like a good deal. Workouts, diet, lots of options, etc. I’m interested to hear about what kind of workouts they give you – will it be cardio and weights? Anxious to see how this one goes Charlotte…and I think the hedonism experiment is a great idea…for me too. 🙂

  17. I’ve never had a personal trainer in real-life either…I’m interested to see how this goes!

  18. I’m glad you didn’t take offense to my comment Charlotte. I LOVE your blog and read it religiously. In fact a message from you just popped up in my email so I am going to skurry away and read it now.

    I wish I could do this experiement with you, but I am committed to my review of various fitness classes and think I would be on gym overload it I undertook it. I may sign up for it and squirrel away the suggestions/routines for future use. I JUST saw it in my Women’s Health this AM at the gym…