The "You’re An Idiot" Diet

What, you haven’t heard of it? You’re guaranteed to lose weight – a lot of it even, and very quickly. It’s officially called “Master Cleanse” but I like Gunnar Peterson’s (personal trainer to the stars, but not for long if he keeps blabbing to the media like this – not that I’m complaining) title much better.

For those of you uninitiated, you make a scary concoction out of maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemons. You drink it. And that’s it. You eat no food. See? Easy-peasy! I don’t know why everyone doesn’t do this. Oh…wait, food is necessary for life. Yup, you’d have to be an idiot.

Diet Like A Rockstar
If you are not content with partying like a rockstar, or for those of us who live in the burbs, wearing ironic t-shirts like a rockstar, now you can diet like a rockstar! Or a movie star. Or just a really hot hanger-oner. Suh-weet!

The Daily Mail has a feature on “diet secrets of the stars” that for once doesn’t involve a lot of lying about poodle-walking & pilates. All in all, I can believe that this truly is the key to all those amazing physiques coupled with sallow skin and junkie stares.

How To Become Anorexic and/or An Addict
If you follow all these “star diet” rules, then you will definitely become both. Dream big, I always say.

1. Take Drugs. Oh sure, cocaine and heroin are awesome for weight loss (and brain loss but whatevs – who needs that nonsense?) but all the cool kids are going prescription these days. Adderall (ADD medication), Clenbuterol (asthma inhaler – for HORSES), and of course prescription diet pills and steroids. Can’t find a doctor to prescribe it for you? No problem, that’s what the Internet’s for.

2. Go on Food Jags. One unnamed actress ate only 3 hardboiled eggs a day while shooting Cold Mountain (which narrows – hee! – it down to Renee-I’m-naturally-this-bony-and-puffy-cheeked Zellweger or Nicole-I’m-naturally-this-expressionless Kidman. My money’s on Renee.)

3. Take/Drink Laxatives. Because poop weighs, like, soooo much. And having a working anal sphincter is overrated anyhow.

4. Try a Legal Addictive Substance. Don’t have enough chemicals in your body? Go the old fashioned route and swill caffeine (in any of it’s varieties) and smoke cigs to keep those pesky food cravings at bay.

5. Gymorexia. It’s the new bulimia – and so much easier on your teeth! Your knees, not so much. But who needs ’em?

6. Starve. If all else fails, just don’t eat. Pretty simple, really. Can’t get fat if you don’t eat. Can’t live either. But better to be dead than fat, right? (In case you think I’m kidding head over to the Weighting Game and read all the comments on Leslie’s post about fat people on public transportation. Seriously, so scary (and not Leslie’s fault, btw)).

You Can Never Be Too Rich or Too Thin
Since most of us will never be rich, we’d better focus all our efforts on thin if we want to be anything in this society. Marcia Cross, of Desperate Housewives (a.k.a. the show that made all housewives desperate to look like Eva Longoria), summed it up thusly: “Not eating is a constant struggle. It’s like they pay me not to eat. It’s a living hell.”

I hear hell is nice this time of year.


  1. I’m so embarrassed to say that I tried this a couple years ago.

    It sucks! My husband lost like 10 pounds. I…lost nothing. Except for my sanity. And any semblance of joy in life. I turned into a raving B—CH!

    It’s kind of a funny idea. But yea, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone unless you already hate living then go for it!

  2. What’s wrong with this diet? And she looks GREAT! (kidding!!)

  3. Im SO EXCITED to have a reason to roll my eyes at her BEYOND career choice 🙂


  4. Well, the purpose is to cleanse your, um, intestines, and not actually to lose weight. Of course, not eating for the 10 days or however long it’s supposed to last will probably make you drop a few pounds.

    I did a juice fast one time, so I was actually consuming calories, but was so hungry the whole time that I didn’t even last 3 whole days. When I did eat, it was the most glorious meal ever!

  5. Ha ha! I LOVE the post title!

    And BTW, belated congrats on the Huffington Post gig. You rock! 🙂

  6. Wait – Gymorexia is the new bulimia? I thought drunkorexia was. I mean brideorexia. I mean…oh, forget it!

  7. “There’s no straight guy in the world who knows the difference between a size 14 and a size 4.” I love that. I remember a couple years ago, I started losing a bit of weight and my boyfriend of the time would teasingly say, “you’re not comfortable anymore! You need more pudge on your stomach!” whenever he cuddled up to me. There was something really nice about that reassurance that he was with me because of who I was, and not because of how I looked.

  8. I saw that article too and it made me cringe. The thing with the lemon, cayenne concoction is that it’s good for a one day detox to give your body a break, but it has gotten totally distorted by these celebs who use it for dramatic weight loss. I’m hating how mainstream is taking some really good detox things and turning them into abusive things, as well as twisting detox to mean weight loss or diet, and it is not. ugh!