Heinous Veinous?

First of all, can I just say that there are two words right there (that even rhyme!) that don’t follow the “i before e except after c” rule. Why even have a rule Mr. Word Person if everyone is just going to break it?? Okay I’m done.

Ethel. That was the name of my first vein. Yep, I actually named it. I was so proud of that sucker. A little line right across the top of my right delt, that popped out whenever I did shoulder presses. When the one on my left shoulder emerged, it was christened Lucy. Since weightlifters see their bulging veins as evidence of their growing muscles, I wore Ethel & Lucy with pride and all of my weightlifting buddies rejoiced with me.


But not everyone is so keen on the veins. I mean, nobody wants to be this:

But even Angelina Jolie & Madonna, both known for being simultaneously muscular and ultra-sexy, are being called out for having rope-veined arms. And I’ve got to admit, my arms look just like Angelina’s. (Which is the only comparison between her & I you will ever hear me make. Look ma, I got celebrity veins!) Granted, the veins are worse when I’m lifting, dehydrated or clenching my fists. But just sitting here typing, you can’t see them at all. It seems unfair that we chastise women for not looking “toned” but then ridicule the effects of the exercise necessary to get those shapely arms.


So where do they come from, these veins? Because I am apparently not the only person who worries about such things, Scientific American has a very detailed and technical answer. It basically boils down to two things: growing muscle pushes veins closer to the skin and a lack of subcutaneous fat makes them more obvious (which explains why old people have such veiny hands). Bodybuilders have both bulging muscles and a low bodyfat percentage, hence the garden hoses. Genetics are also involved.

So how about you guys – any other vein-y folk out there? Do you wear them with pride or hide them away?

My mother, who is a nurse, has her own take on it: “You’re a phlebotomist’s dream come true!” She’s so easy to please:)


  1. I am traumatized by that picture!

    Sadly,no veins for me, they are very small and covered with fat right now. 🙁
    I would definitely wear them with pride though.

  2. I have veins in my arms, but I don’t really lift as much as I should, I run competitively though, so perhaps that’s were they come from? I also have them in my calve sand feet, But they’re only *really* well pronounced when I’m done running or it’s a warm temp. I’m not the thinnest distance runner (not fat, just no bony legs here)

  3. No one in my family has the veins, even my body builder brother with little to no body fat.

    My problem with veins is that my skin is so thin, I have blue lines running all across my body, visible to anyone with good eyesight or corrective lenses. It is not a source of pride for me, and means I am extra prone to bruising.

  4. Sure–varicose, spider, you name it. My left leg is a road map. But I have four great kids to thank! (I’ll take the children any day. I just stay away from shorts.) 10 years ago I stopped doing heavy squats. Had to go lighter weight, more reps. Totally not a problem. We do what we can to preserve our bodies, right?

    Okay, I’ll get on subject. Yes, I have a few of the kind you don’t have to hide, running right down the middle of each biceps. Hadn’t thought too much about it. Lots in my feet and ankles. Not sure that’s sexy!

  5. I just found your blog via a comment you made on the running while sick thing…

    I love your blog already even though I have only read 2 posts!

    On the topic of veins, I have none. I would love to have some show up and I am totally the type to name mine as well… it would take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears for them to emerge so I would definately wear any that did with pride.

  6. I get veinous when I’m lean. Got lots of them getting showy around my ankles too. They’re cool.

  7. i before e except after c… or when sounded like “ay” as in neighbour or weigh… (or heinous or veinous)

  8. Where did you find that picture of me in the blue bikini? I told my publicist to shred those documents!

    I don’t have the bulgiest veins but I do have very see-through skin -especially on my chest and arms – and you can literally SEE the blue blood coursing along, like a road map. Evan when I’m tan, you can see. I also have the one vein that runs across my hip/gorin and I swear, it always gets engorged right after a bedroom workout. 🙂 Gotta stay healthy!