Close Your Eyes, Boys

(There. See, I told you boys you really don’t want to read this one. This is your last chance to quit reading. Fine. Just no e-mails about how grossed out you are. Whiners.)

Let’s Hear it for the Girls!
Feminine hygiene in sports has long been sketchy territory. One girl on my gymnastics team summed it up thusly: “I wish I could be one of those girls who gets so skinny she just loses it!” And by “it” she meant her period, not her mind. Although to get that skinny you’d probably lose both – double bonus!!

The Problem
Pads are too bulky, not to mention the chafing problem if you do any sort of running. Tampons are better but you have that pesky string to worry about, especially for swimmers, gymnasts, and I’m assuming, figure skaters. Cross-country skiers, you’re in luck. Plus they leak, necessitating the usage of a pad or at least a panty liner.

I know some girls use birth control or other methods to skip or lighten their period (and, for the record, anorexia is not a good option) but for the rest of us who still have to worry about, ahem, a visit from Aunt Flo (not my fave euphemism by the way, but the one most suitable to print), I’ve found the greatest thing since rolled cotton with a string wrapped in candy-colored plastic: The Diva Cup.

Side note: why the candy-colored plastic and kid-friendly packaging Tampax?? I cannot even tell you how many times one of my children has brought me a wrapped tampon insisting I open it for them because they are sure that mommy is hiding treats in her “special” drawer in the bathroom.

The Solution
Anyhow, back to the coolest invention ever. The Diva Cup is a “modern menstrual cup.” I know that evokes images of weird hippies or maybe wiccan rituals – hey, I don’t know how you grew up – but let me assure you that this is much closer to a modern surgical implement. Hmmm, that was supposed to sound reassuring. Simply put, it is a medical-grade silicone cup about the size of, but more pliable than, a one-ounce shot glass. Ever since I found this, I’ve been baffled as to why it isn’t more popular as it is so much better than anything else on the market.

– This. Doesn’t. Leak. Not ever. Not even once. No pads need apply.

– You can leave it in up to 12 hours at a time.

– No cotton so it doesn’t dry you out and significantly reduces your chance of toxic shock syndrome – that lovely little malady that any girl who has ever read a tampon box is deathly afraid of.

– It’s reusable indefinitely. One costs between $24 & $32 so that’s a good thing.

– It’s so much better for the environment.

– It will never clog your toilet, your friend’s toilet, your date’s toilet (!) or any other septic system you can think of.

– You can’t feel it.

– The ick factor. It requires you to deal with your own bodily fluids by emptying the cup into the toilet and then rinsing it out in the sink. I understand that this is a deal breaker for some girls but trust me when I say it’s only a little tiny bit worse than dealing with a tampon.

– The lack of an “applicator.” Those of you using O.B. tampons are already familiar with how to get things up *there* without the aid of a plastic bullet but for the rest of us, it’s kind of a learning curve. It took a good 5-6 times putting it in and taking it out for me to get comfortable with the technique. The Diva Cup website has a really good FAQ section though that gives you all kinds of helpful tips. Plus you will really want to read the brochure that comes with the Cup. You’re already on the toilet, you’ve got time!

My Conclusion
I think this is officially my first product recommendation!! And likely my last, but you never know. The Diva Cup is perfect for athletic women. Getting my period used to seriously cramp my workout style (hee! cramp!!) but now it’s not a big deal at all. Just check it out.

PS> Only read the ad below if you have a liberal sense of humor.

The bottom caption reads: Comfortable plastic applicator won’t keelhaul yer nethers. (hee!!)


  1. I’ve heard good stuff about this before, but I’ve never really been tempted to try it until you mentioned the gym aspect of why it’s good. I’m definitely reconsidering.

    Like the new layout!

  2. I’ve been using “The Keeper Cup” for a few years now – a similar concept to the Diva – and definitely like it. I’ve heard the Diva is the next step up, though, so I think I’m going to upgrade!

    Also, I have a set of reusable pads (“Glad Rgas”) that I really like. Here’s the Web site:

  3. I LOVE the Diva Cup and Glad Rags! I just started using them a couple of years ago, and they rock.

    That ad is just too much awesomeness (I know that’s not really a word). I wonder if I could copy it, blow it up and frame it. Would hubby and kids get weirded out?

  4. Thanks Gena!! I’m still experimenting with the layout & stuff. It won’t be going back to black though, I promise!

    Libby & Azusmom – who knew there were so many smart girls out there?? Thanks for the tips about glad rags too.

  5. I had no idea something like that existed! After I finished being totally grossed out I’m gonna check it out!

    Love the new layout!

    Love even more the ad! Where on earth did you find that? It’s quite hilarious!!

  6. always has an entire website devoted to their Have a Happy Period campaign – complete with “Happy Crosswords” and “Jappy Iron-on Decals” like a little elf or a cupcake which you can print on special paper and transfer to your period panties. Be happy, ladies! (My tongue is shoved way into my cheek, BTW)

  7. I checked out the website and I’m even more grossed out! This might take awhile!!

  8. I have one and only use it when I go camping, or trekking, or mountaineering, or anywhere I wouldn’t be able to dispose of tampons properly. I understand how great it would be to use it all the time but it grosses me out too much to do so…Maybe I need to work at getting over that wimpness ( wimpyness?)

  9. “Fer pluggin’ the bloddy hole…” I was coughing and laughing so hard that my sons are dying to know what’s so funny. I don’t think I’m ready to explain.

    Thank you for this post. I had never even heard of this product and it sounds like something I would LOVE.

  10. I am SO glad I came across this post! It started with your Blood, Sweat, etc. post, then I followed the Diva Cup link here. After reading some of the comments, and then checking out the site, I decided to try this thing out. It came in the mail a few days ago and I'm on the second day of my period now. I LOVE IT!!! I have had no problems whatsoever, thanks to a lot of the tips here and on the FAQ of the site. It is so wonderful and I have to admit I was a little surprised. I expected leaks or trouble with insertion or removal, but nope! It's been great so far. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  11. Yay Tiffany!! I'm so glad you like it! It really is the coolest product!

  12. Not to get all TMI on everyone, but I have some additional pros:

    I change mine every 24 hours, fer serious. I've heard a lot of girls do this, I've never had any vagina problems as a result, and it's just generally really awesome to just change it every morning in the shower or whatever. This also takes care of the issue of having to change it in a public bathroom where there isn't a sink nearby.

    Before Diva, I would sometimes wear pads I got so frustrated (and poor) having to change my tampon every time I would pee! Not so bad if it's every few hours, but sometimes I forget to drink and then chug 3 glasses of water at once and have to pee every half hour. This does not present any problem with the Diva Cup at all.

    When I did wear a pad, things were kind of gross. Fluids oxidize and dry and stick and it's just generally not so awesome.

    And finally, I can receive oral sex during my period without the giver knowing. Enough said.

  13. Paige…that's grossly awesome. We should talk, fer serious.

    I've been recommending the diva cup to my outdoorsy/running friends and most aren't to receptive. Glad it's working for you some of you!

    It would make a funny gag gift with the blackbeard bit and the actual tampons to come in a rapper that looks like a peg leg or something.

    Nice blog Charlotte!

  14. Pingback:Does Your Period Affect Your Workout or Not? [Dueling Research! Plus: Birth control as a performance enhancer!] | The Great Fitness Experiment

  15. Pingback:Does Your Period Affect Your Workout or Not? [Dueling Research! Plus: Birth control as a performance enhancer!] | Instant Health Fitness

  16. Pingback:Does Your Period Effect Your Workout? [Plus: Birth Control as a Performance Enhancer!] | The Great Fitness Experiment

  17. Pingback:Does Your Period Effect Your Workout? [Plus: Birth Control as a Performance Enhancer!] | Elite Daily Diet and Fitness

  18. Okay, I got one. Could anyone please explain to me how you’re supposed to rotate the thing to make it seal? There doesn’t seem to be a hope in hell that I’m gonna rotate that thing, and it was kind of uncomfortable when walking. Otherwise it works pretty well and will save a lot of money!