New Experiment: Monkey Bar Gym!

In my previous post, I mentioned really liking a few exercises I found in a magazine courtesy of the Monkey Bar Gym. The Internet being what it is, one of their net admin, Sarah, left a comment telling me that I could get more of their fun workouts for – gasp!! – FREE! Free might possibly be my favorite word ever.

I went and checked it out and it is F-R-E-E. Wheeee! (Ever noticed how weee rhymes with pee? I’ve had 4 babies – anything that makes me go Wheeee also, inevitably, makes me go pee. Especially trampolines. Darn them and their bouncy fun!)
So as of tomorrow, I am starting on a 30-day Monkey Bar Gym challenge. They post the workout of the day (just like crossfit) along with helpful explanatory videos and I will attempt to complete their WOD. This will be totally in place of my normal weight lifting routine.
I am very excited about this for two pee-inducing reasons:
1. I get really really really bored of the same old weight routines and I’ve been lifting for years so I’m ready to try something radically different. Also, this seems like a great intro to the functional fitness that everyone (ahem) has been raving about. I have to admit reading all these articles on it has really made me think it might be The Better Way.
2. The moves just look stinkin’ fun. Tomorrow’s (Monday’s) workout is called “The Prison Workout”. Now come on, are any of the rest of you doing anything tomorrow involving prison?? I didn’t think so.
After 30 days I’ll have my weight, lean mass, body fat % and so forth tested and let you know if there are any changes! So, who’s with me?? We can all do it together – I’ll even save your place in line for the bathroom;)

One Comment

  1. Prison workouts always sound fun to me! 🙂

    4 babies? Really? Ok, now you are my hero!!