Magic Eye Trick

I really went back and forth on whether or not to put this up here. I mean, on one hand this picture perpetuates everything I’m against: ugly bikinis, bland too-skinny beauty, gratuitous high heels, America… (j/k on the last one!) Also, my parents occasionally read this blog (Hi Mom!!) and shoving a starving naked starlet in their faces hardly seems appropriate.

But on the OTHER hand, I was wandering through Target the other day (I was waiting for a prescription to be filled, the magazines were nearby…oh, don’t ask.) and saw this:

My first thought was “She must have really ticked off someone on the makeup team for them to do that to her eyes.” My second thought was… “What’s wrong with her stomach?” I puzzled over this for quite some time trying to decide what it was that bothered me. Her head is huge. Her shoulders and arms are built. And then her waist is strangely very tiny and indents at a weird angle. Followed by two very mismatched legs. (And what invisible thing is she leaning against?!) I smell photoshop wafting through her like “White Shoulders” wafts through my locker room after the Active Older Adult classes get out.
I know the whole photoshop-is-such-a-crappy-lie-and-it’s-damaging-us-as-women thing has been done. But seriously!!! Photoshop is such a lie! And it is damaging us as women!! Even though I know she’s been tweaked to high heaven a part of me still looks at that and thinks “Wow I wish I could have her stomach.” This isn’t even the most egregious airbrushing example out there but it still ticked me off. Does this picture just look weird to you guys too??

But now I’m wondering… ARE pigeons about to attack??


  1. I always glance at the covers of the magazines while I wait in line(and let my kids run rampant around the candy section) and wonder why does this model look so abnormal?
    I agree that she does seem to be perportionate and I wonder if the camera man took the picture looking down at her.
    It is like looking at you child and they are larger on top and get smaller as you view them downward.
    Her head seems to large and her legs seem way to small and then she is trying so hard to suck in the no fat she has on her tummy that she is at an akward angle.
    And we do all know how photoshop works wonders at my house and can only imagine what they can do in those high fashion mags.

  2. bob (the traveller)

    Hmmm… makes me wanna set up blog… I really hate them lies…

  3. Here were my thoughts, in order, when I saw this:
    1) Is in July already? Why so patriotic in February?
    2) When did Rachel Bilson get into soft-core porn?
    3) Why does the bikini look like it’s staring at me?
    4) I wonder how much aribrushing they put her likely already-beautiful and slim body through.

  4. LOL Leslie! I had the same thought about that bikini – I thought it was just me and my twisted brain:)

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