Crazy Diet Ads

Diet fads come and go, and they’re fun to laugh at after they’re gone. Here are a few ads (and one from the present!) that will at the very least make you scratch your head with wonder (unless you have fleas, then you’ll be scratching your head with a vengeance) and hopefully give you a good giggle. Count it as your ab workout and thank me later:)

Now tell me that is just not the awesomest thing you’ve seen today! Who isn’t happy when they eat lard?!?

Does it help that the tapeworms are sanitized? And what exactly does “Jar Packed” mean?? I’m imagining pickles. “No ill effects” – it’s a promise!

Here’s one for diet shasta – trust me, it’s worth the click-thru!! Because everyone knows you’re better off dead than fat.

I’m pretty sure this is the same Kellogg of breafast cereal fame. Makes you look at corn flakes in a whole new way, no?
I think this sums up the Hollywood diet pretty well. Do you think they had to tell the models how to act strung out or did they know how to do it all on their own?

Every woman does have a problem when their “figure” can’t breathe because of a steel-boned corset.
This one isn’t vintage (yet) – you can actually buy it at Sephora right this very second!! Although I find this every bit as laughable as a box of cereal as a weight-loss panacea (the lard one is still the funniest though. It just is. I giggle just remembering that I remember it. Hee.)

And… this one isn’t a diet ad but I came across it and laughed so hard I almost wrote my congressman;) My fave part? Her fake eyelashes. Awesome.


  1. The lard one is fantastic!
    It just brightened up my morning.

  2. Um, can we discuss the nip slip in the Sisley ad? What, they had to add to the sinister nature of the picture with gratuitous nudity? (Don’t feel bad if you missed this detail – I’ve been trained to spot these kinds of things.)

  3. Egads!! I TOTALLY missed the nip-slip. But you are right – it’s there. That makes it so much worse! Um, I’m going to apologize in advance to my mom & dad and anyone else I traumatized.

  4. Ya gotta love the ad industry: cocaine, nipples, blowing smoke (in more ways than one!), gang rape (see Diesel jeans), and my personal favorite, talking mucus!

    I just wonder what an ad exec thinks on his death bed. “It was a good life. I created 30-second sound-bites of happiness!”

  5. HI-LAR-IOUS!!! I am so much happier when I eat lard! I had to go back and check out the nipple! I totally missed it! SO FUNNY!!!

  6. and then your look at diet adds today and think “wow, so this is what we do now?!”. Weight Watchers is all about “DIETS ARE MEAN”. I hate to burst their bubble, but isn’t weight watchers a diet. Yea i know, “its a lifestyle” but they are still weighing in, counting, measuring, point-value-ing, thats kinda like a diet no??

  7. omigosh, I had forgotten how happy I am when I eat lard! I must go and get some now!!

    and I totally missed the nipple too!

  8. Those were a riot, Charlotte! Thanks for the “ab workout”. 🙂 I gagged when I saw the “Easy to swallow!” part of the worm ad, though! Blechh!! 😉

  9. Um, i think we all know how I feel about this ad

    this one too


  10. I thought that Fuze was going to be lipgloss that fused your lips closed so you couldn’t eat for a few hours.

  11. LOL! Leanna – that would be SO awesome!! I like how you think, girl;)